Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's The "Ides Of March"!

The Martin Chronicles reminds our rapidly growing audience that today is the 2,056th anniversary of the day political back-stabbing was born. Yep. Old Julius Caesar really got the point when his pals in the Roman Senate decided to express their sharp disagreement with him. The rest, as they say, is history.
We want to wish “the usual suspects", and some new players on the Martin stage, a Happy Backstabber’s Day!
Happy Backstabber’s Day to all the committee members who have been attending secret meetings!
Happy Backstabber’s Day to all the armpit-scratching, vine-swinging, mouth-breathers from the rat’s nest called a civic club who believe drinking their faces off in a dingy bar every night equates to community service!
Happy Backstabber’s Day to all the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou members of the St. Joe’s Heavy Drinking Men’s Society who believe the Creator of the Universe is even remotely impressed by their volunteer efforts at church festivals, bingos and their regular attendance at secret City committee meetings!
Happy Backstabber’s Day to Councilman Greg Kilburn for the many times he has pulled the rug out from under his council colleagues and the residents over these past fifteen months!
Happy Backstabber’s Day to the knuckle-dragging headline writer employed by The Kentucky Enquirer for equating what is shaping up to be a very serious criminal investigation to petty “infighting”!
Happy Backstabbers Day to the endlessly-interim City Clerk for her sneaky, underhanded, ongoing efforts to cut the throats of two police officers who have treated her undeservedly well over the years!
Happy Backstabber’s Day to the City’s insurance company. They are attempting to defend the taxpayers in a very serious lawsuit generated by Martin’s relentless hostility towards a City employee. The insurance company may have finally come to the realization that Martin’s interests and the taxpayer’s interests are no longer the same!
Happy Backstabber’s Day to the very nice people who gave us perhaps the best phrase we’ve heard yet to describe what we laughingly call the Martin Administration. The catch phrase? “Shoddy at best.”