Friday, February 7, 2014

WEEKENDER: Vendetta? Fool? Or What?

The Martin Chronicles has been warning the residents of Villa Hills about malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's unceasing attacks on the local police department since our very first post on Saturday, October 11, 2011. It has been obvious to us that Martin's radical plan to disband that local department has been all about his desire to settle the score over his 2007 FORGERY ARREST.

But let's just say-for the sake of discussion-that this isn't about a vendetta. Then what is going on?
  • Why is Martin strongly suspected of hacking in to police department computers back in 2011?
  • Why did Martin try to make the phony claim of "emergency powers" to do an end-run around the duly enacted Civil Service Board to hire a seventh police officer of his choosing in late 2011? By the way, wouldn't it be better if Villa Hills now had seven police officers? Hey, we'd be better off with six than we are now. Heck, five would be better than the current mess.
  • How is it that Martin browbeat the police department for car washes, paper towels, bullets and coffee and yet somehow missed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF TAXPAYER-FUNDED DOLLARS OF POLICE OVERTIME for his intentionally under-manned department in 2011 and 2012?
  • Why has Martin so desperately wanted to set the police department schedules since the very first day he plopped his butt in the mayor's office?
  • Why did Martin sit back as former council members Mike Pope and Jim Noll, and current council members Mary Koenig, Holly Menninger-Isenhour and Brian Wischer launched-and continue to launch-baseless attack after baseless attack against the local police department?
  • What was contained in all of those City documents Martin burned and shredded from January through August, 2012 that led to one of SEVEN CONVICTIONS ON CHARGES OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT and NEGLECT OF DUTY in October, 2012?
  • Why did Martin hire his personal attorney Toad V. McMurtry to serve as the taxpayer-funded City Attorney in early 2013 after McMurtry "poisoned the well" when he accused police department leadership of all manner of illegal and unethical behavior, even calling one officer "a baboon"?
  • Why did Martin hire a City Clerk who immediately began photographing police officers in an odd attempt to catch them in some kind of wrongdoing?
  • Why did Martin hire that same City Clerk who claimed he was a victim of selective traffic enforcement despite the fact that the City Clerk was never pulled over, much less written a traffic citation?
  • Why did Martin finally step out from behind his long-told LIE about his covert, radical plan to disband the local police department in early 2013?
  • How is it that Martin first sold the idea of Kenton County Police coverage for his trouble town by claiming it was "free" only to have to later announce that THE TAXPAYERS WOULD HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT COUNTY COVERAGE?
  • Why did Martin intentionally trigger a costly legal conflagration by his inexplicable and disgraceful treatment of former Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman?
  • How has Martin so badly mismanaged the local police department that it has now been reduced to only four full-time officers and dealing with an incredible amount of TAXPAYER-FUNDED OVERTIME EXPENSE yet again?
Is Martin just a paranoid bumpkin who doesn't know how to relate to educated professionals and couldn't effectively manage a child's lemonade stand? Or, is Martin a slick con man who tells LIE after LIE to get what he wants no matter how long it may take?

Is Martin only a buffoonish simpleton who told just enough LIES to win a narrow mayoral victory in 2010 only to foul up everything? Or, is Martin a black-hearted Beelzebub who knows the exact impact his escalating LIES will have on local events?

Is Martin simply a flat-headed fool whose countless hours left abandoned in the crib as a baby left him incapable of dealing with anything beyond the simplest of issues, or is Martin a deceitful demon who creates terrible trouble only to gain some insidious advantage over his perceived enemies?

Is Martin merely a dim-witted drone who is innately incapable of settling the debate between what his "head" and his "heart" advise him to do? Or, is Martin a flim-flaming fanatic who has told FILTHY LIE after FILTHY LIE to mendaciously maneuver events to the conclusion he wantonly wants?

Our extensive investigations that began way back in 2011 lead us to conclude that the malicious Martin is all of these things and is busily conducting a vicious vendetta against the local police department.