Thursday, February 6, 2014

Public Safety

The Martin Chronicles has been following the discussions about Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's risky, radical plan to disband the local police department and "outsource" protection to another agency. We've read the pro and con posts on social networks, letters to the editor singing the praises of consolidation or expressing strong support for the continuation of the local police department and read the DISHONEST quotes the mendacious Martin has provided the media in defense of his risky, radical plan.

You won't find any source more supportive of the First Amendment than The Martin Chronicles. While our position is decidedly in favor of Villa Hills maintaining a properly-staffed, well-trained and well-equipped local department, we respect (most of those) with differing views.

There are, nevertheless, a talking point or two we'd like to address. Some people write that Villa Hills has "outsourced" its fire department and emergency medical technician services for many years. That is a true statement.

But, the work of a fire department and a police department are quite different in some important ways. That is not to say that the work performed by one entity is better or more important than the other. They are simply different.

The Crescent Springs-Villa Hills Fire Department does an amazing job. The men and women who perform their services are as talented and dedicated as you'll find anywhere. There are countless examples of their life-saving efforts and their skill at comforting people during times of great personal calamity.

The fire department performs many important tasks. One task it does not perform, however, is patrol the City's streets. That is the job of the police department.

One of the most important tasks of a properly-staffed, well-trained and well-equipped local department is that patrolling. Patrolling isn't done solely to catch "bad guys" after a crime is committed. Sure, that's part of it. But, strong patrolling will also make would-be "bad guys" think twice before perpetrating some criminal act. You know, crime prevention.

Thanks to Martin's many-year-long vendetta against the local police department resulting from his 2007 FORGERY ARREST, the Villa Hills Police Department hasn't been properly staffed for quite awhile. And, when we learn that Villa Hills police cruisers are breaking down in the pursuit of "bad guys", we can only conclude that Martin's vendetta has extended to providing the police with shoddy-at-best equipment as well. Only the most ardent of Martin Kool-Aid drinkers can still defend the mess he and his nasty cronies have created.

Another terrible result of Martin's many-year-long vendetta against the local police department resulting from his 2007 FORGERY ARREST has been a lengthy spike in crime. It is important to note that the remaining members of the intentionally-depleted police department are dedicated, talented professionals who take their jobs very seriously. But Martin and his nasty cronies have created a horrible situation for them that leaves them trying to empty the Pacific Ocean with a teaspoon. Hence, the huge surge in break-ins, burglaries and home invasions.

What can reasonable residents expect? Martin and his nasty cronies have been in a full court press blaming the leadership of the police department for all of the ongoing problems. Martin and his nasty cronies busily point fingers at this dedicated and long-serving leadership while they simultaneously do everything their pointy little heads can come up with to undercut that leadership. Martin and his nasty cronies behavior is truly disgraceful.

We also want to address one other issue before we close. That is the mismanaging Martin's FALSE claim that he wants to "outsource" police protection to "save a whole bunch of money". Setting aside the fact that the sole reason for Martin's actions is his vendetta resulting from his 2007 FORGERY ARREST, there are quantifiable reasons that prove Martin is LYING.

Let's just use the Crescent Springs "outsourcing" experience as an example. Once again, we will not comment on recent published comments offered up by Crescent Springs Mayor Jim Collett. Suffice it to say that the new contract approved by Crescent Springs' City Council includes significant price increases for "outsourced" police protection. There is every reason to believe that these significant price increases will continue.

Given our green-eye-shade-close examination of the historical increases in the cost of local police protection in Villa Hills over the past fifteen years, we can only conclude that the cost of "outsourced" coverage would almost certainly increase at a faster rate than continued local coverage. So, the plan to "save a whole bunch of money" rationale offered up by the malevolent Martin is just another in a very long line of his LIES.

If the residents of Villa Hills ever want to restore their City to its former status as one of the preeminent communities in the region-instead of the laughing-stock it currently is-they will have to come to grips with a crystal-clear fact. Despite the handful of nitwits who come to podiums FALSELY proclaiming that Martin does "great things for people", Villa Hills residents will have to come to grips with the fact that their current mayor is a megalomaniac hell-bent on blaming the local police department for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. This despite that fact that four respected judges have opined that what Martin did fits the very definition of FORGERY.

The residents have 271 days to come to grips with the intentional mess Martin has created.