Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Outsourcing Imminent?

The Martin Chronicles promised our readers that we have been tracking down some shocking stories. We are now going to begin to present you some of what we have learned on just one of them.

Our long time readers will remember that we have been warning you that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has been planning to disband the local police department since before he was narrowly voted in to the mayor's office in 2010. You also know that Martin continually LIED about his risky scheme to outsource police coverage. That is until he finally stepped out from behind his long-told LIE to admit that outsourcing police coverage is his goal.

People in the know clearly understand that the malevolent Martin has wanted to disband the Villa Hills Police Department to finally get his revenge for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. Sure, after there was a huge public reaction in 2013 opposing his radical plan, he FALSELY claimed that he just wanted to "save a whole bunch of money". But folks who truly understand the miscreant Martin know that is a bold-faced LIE. Money has nothing to do with it.

A major step towards inevitable outsourcing has taken place. Two police officers serving on the already intentionally-undermanned department have just departed. One more has at least one foot out the door. Now, it becomes mostly a numbers game.

Be ready. It won't be long before the mendacious Martin launches in to just one more of his many acts of PHONY DECEPTION. Martin will FALSELY CLAIM that circumstances have left him no choice. Martin will FALSELY CLAIM that he loves Villa Hills so much he just has to act. Martin will FALSELY CLAIM that State statutes mandate that he provide police protection to his beloved residents and has no choice but to bring in an outside agency. At some point, we fully expect the smarmy Martin to wax ineloquently-as he has so often done-about the debate raging between his "head" and his "heart".

Let us tell you why we know all of those emetic emissions will be nothing more than a disgusting charade. You see, The Martin Chronicles recently had the opportunity to talk with the officers who have left Villa Hills since 2011. They all describe a mayor who is completely out of control. Each former officer only asked that we do not link their name directly to any specific observation. Why? Because none of them ever want to deal with the mallet-headed Martin ever again.

So, what did we learn from these former officers?
  • It is painfully obvious to the entire police department that Martin had it out for them from the earliest days of his dreadful administration. Martin would go so far as to harangue officers for having the thermostat set on 75 degrees on hot, humid days. This despite that these officer wear heavy bullet-proof vests. Why? Because every officer wants to return to their families at the end of their long shifts.
  • Martin cajoles officers for having their cars washed too often. Martin complains to officers that they use too many paper towels or drink too much coffee. As one former officer put it, "Martin is nuts."
  • Martin even refused to spend the probably-less-than $100 it would have taken to replace the fifteen-year-old microwave oven that finally went belly-up.
  • Despite that fact, Martin also regularly criticizes police officers who dare to go outside of the City limits to eat their lunch. Here's our question? If police officers can't heat up their lunch at the office, what restaurants are available to them within the City limits of Villa Hills? 
  • Police officers are convinced that Martin used one of the multiple computer consultants he squandered taxpayer money on to give the diminutive dictator the ability to hack in to police department computers. Why? These officers firmly believe Martin is still desperately searching for some piece of information he can twist around to "prove" that his 2007 FORGERY ARREST wasn't justified. This despite the fact that four respected judges have ruled that what Martin did when he signed a deceased person's name to that deceased person's checks and then cashed them fit the very definition of FORGERY.
  • All of the officers are appalled that Martin thinks he is the right person to construct the schedule for their department. As one former officer put it, "Who does that dimwit Martin think he is, J. Edgar Hoover? No other mayor does that kind of s#!t, unless they are dead-nuts crazy!"
  • The officers resent the fact that the moribund Martin has intentionally allowed the City's fleet of cruisers to deteriorate in to a serious state of useless disrepair. One officer recounted how his cruiser died on him while chasing a bad guy. This officer embarrassingly had to ask for a tow.
  • The officers also resent the fact that the malicious Martin's perpetually meddles in the day-to-day operations of the police department. More than one officer is convinced that Martin's intentional disregard for chain of command has been done in order to stir up resentment against Police Chief Dan Goodenough and Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman.
  • The officers are certain that that the malicious Martin convinced his "golden moment" council to approve his disastrous hirings of his personal-and-now-City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry and the prone-to-file-odd-Open-Records-requests Craig T. Bohman for the express purpose of waging war against the Villa Hills Police Department.
  • The officers are decidedly certain that Martin's eleventh-hour tampering with the City's current health insurance plan was carried out for the express purpose of chasing away as many police officers as possible. They are certain that it had nothing to do with saving money and everything to do with guaranteeing the final destruction of the City's local department.
We agree with the former officers' assessment of Martin's vindictive behavior. You are wise to believe them as well. You can fix Martin's mess in 272 days.

It won't be easy.