Monday, February 17, 2014

Outside Of The City

The Martin Chronicles is writing about the incendiary comments made over the three-plus years of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin dreadful mis-administration. You've heard these ridiculous comments from Martin, Councilmembers Mary Koenig, Holly B. Isenhour-Menninger, Flyin' Brian Wischer and Martin-appointed nitwits like Summer Berger.

Of course you know the comments. They revolve around the fact that the Villa Hills Police Department sometimes leaves the city limits. The comments are made in a DISHONEST attempt to stir up public animosity towards the local police. Its really that simple.

Like most tin-pot dictators, Martin is a very basic thinker. He does, however, understand the "Golden Rule" used by virtually all thugs and tyrants. That rule? Tell a LIE often enough-no matter how outrageous a LIE-and in the minds of a mostly-inattentive public that oft-told LIE becomes the truth.

You see, Martin and his cronies repeat their complaint about police officers leaving the city limits over and over and over and over again to foster a public misconception that these officers are somehow "goofing off". Judging by a few random comments posted on social networks, this oft-repeated attempt to deceive is having at least limited success.

So why might Villa Hills Police Officers travel outside tiny Villa Hills' borders?
  • We certainly hope Martin and his cronies understand the long-standing practice of "mutual aid". Remember the shooting incident in Villa Hills in 2013? Officers from several municipalities were on hand to support the Villa Hills police. That support keeps residents safer and increases the chances that police officers will safely return to their families at the end of their shift. That's what "mutual aid" is all about. The Villa Hills police are frequently dispatched to cover calls in Crescent Springs. Are Martin and his cronies suggesting that the officers should ignore those dispatch calls? Yikes! Poor Crescent Springs Mayor Jim Collett!
  • We certainly hope Martin and his cronies understand that their are no gas stations in Villa Hills. Police officers have no choice but to travel outside of the city to refuel their cruisers. Perhaps Mary Koenig, Holly B. Isenhour-Menninger and Summer Berger would prefer to be responsible for keeping enough full five-gallon gasoline cans on hand so that the officers could refuel their vehicles in Villa Hills. Probably not. That would require effort above and beyond constantly casting aspersions on the local police.
  • We certainly hope Martin and his cronies understand that the County Courthouse is outside city limits. Martin should be aware of that. He has certainly spent enough time in the County Courthouse facing FORGERY CHARGES, dealing with lawsuits regarding his persistent LIBEL, SLANDER, DEFAMATION, HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION and being blistered by a judge for his ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS. Villa Hills police officers have to go to court to testify against the people they have cited or arrested. That is simply part of a police officer's duty.
  • We certainly hope that Martin and his cronies understand that-just like any worker not employed in a sweat-shop, gulag or cookie factory-police officers are allowed to take a break to eat a meal during their shift. Once again, there are no restaurants within Villa Hills borders. Besides, Villa Hills police officers are always reachable by radio and never more than five minutes away from their city. So why does Summer Berger have such a problem with the police officers grabbing a meal at LaRosa's, PeeWee's or Sandwich Block Deli? Gosh, we aren't sure. Do you have any thoughts about that? So why does Mary Koenig wave around pictures allegedly sent to her by an "anonymous concerned citizen" of police officers dining with people outside city limits? Gee, we don't know. What do you think?
This despicable effort actually pre-dates Martin's terrible tenure in the mayor's office. Mary Koenig frequently made never-proven-because its impossible to prove a LIE-claims that now-departed Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman was working in Ludlow and Bromley while on duty during her first scandalous go-around on council. By golly-co-defendant in Martin's LIBEL, SLANDER AND DEFAMATION LAWSUIT-Dale Schaber finds himself in legal and financial jeopardy because he foolishly pushed Koenig's PHONY claim door-to-door, FALSELY describing Koenig's PHONY claim as a fact. Wow! Even Martin's wife Janet finds herself in legal and financial jeopardy because she actively participated in a bizarre effort to prove Koenig's PHONY claim through HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION. What a mess.

But that in no way relieves Martin from full responsibility for this current mess. As most tin-pot despots do, Martin seized Koenig's PHONY claim to serve as a club to beat the people he blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. Namely, the members of the Villa Hills Police Department. They are Martin's scapegoats for his own corrupt behavior.

Once the voters handed Martin the keys to the mayor's office in 2010, the tiny tyrant immediately began a full-scale assault on the Villa Hills Police Department. Martin's vendetta has brought the local department to the brink of collapse. Martin has done all of this intentionally.

And the smug little bastard has done it all joyously.
