Friday, February 14, 2014

WEEKENDER: Keep That Bu!!$#it Movin'

The Martin Chronicles extends its sympathies to The Kentucky Enquirer reporter Cindy Schroeder. We feel sorry for her. We really do. If her current article posted on is a good gauge, Schroeder has to contend with more bu!!$#it than Rawhide's trail boss Gil Favor and his drovers did during their seven and a half years on television when she interviews Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin.

First, the once-again memory-challenged Martin told Schroeder that he didn't "remember exactly" why Assistant Police Joe Schutzman resigned. May we suggest that Martin pull out the copies of the two serious lawsuits he has been served that thoroughly describe his persistent pattern of LIBEL, SLANDER, DEFAMATION, HARRASSMENT and INTIMIDATION. If the disorganized despot can't locate his copies, he can always borrow his wife-and co-defendant-Janet's copies that a process server delivered to her.

It's hilarious. Every single time Martin is in trouble-and that is frequently-he suddenly finds himself suffering from amnesia. Gee, do you think he might actually be LYING?

The biggest line of bu!!$#it Martin served poor Schroeder appears at the end of her recent article. What did the mendacious Martin say? "I think our police department is just as stable and sound as it was." We guess that is why much of his police department has left and the rest are busy seeking employment elsewhere. Well, that flame-broiled whopper was served up by someone who is evidently extremely unstable, after all.

The Martin Chronicles is still not ready to offer its prediction on how this mess will play out. We don't yet know who truly represents what the majority of Villa Hills' voters are really thinking. Is it Mary Koenig? Is it Too Fat Tony? Is it Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour? Is it Mike Pope? Is it Jim Noll? Is it Flyin' Brian Wischer? Is it General Zod? Is it bilious blowhard County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus? Is it the little fellow who either LIED to the Villa Hills Police or Special Counsel to save Martin's undeserving backside? Is it Gene and Sally Dopin-Kravitz? Is it Summer Berger? Is it Wanda Widebottom? Is it the loopy lady who took to a podium to oddly proclaim that, "This mayor does great things for people"? Is it Dave Hilgeford? Or is Villa Hills' mainstream thinking represented by the hundreds of people who displayed "Keep OUR Local Police Department" signs and donated thousands of their hard-earned dollars in support of the effort? That is before Joe Seeameasigntosteal and his Forty Thieves took off with many of them. We just aren't sure.

But we are sure of this. Despite the ongoing financial turmoil and budget mess, the collapsing police department, the absence of any current street repair program, the increasing taxes, the surging crime rate, the CONVICTION OF SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY, the stern warning from a respected judge about his ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS and the "CONFIDENTIAL" REPRIMAND FROM THE VILLA HILLS ETHICS BOARD, the delusional Martin is absolutely convinced that he is doing a great job. After all of this, the megalomaniacal Martin firmly believes that all he needs is a city council that will "work with him".

This is why we look forward to covering the three-ring circus that is certain to lead up to Decision Day, November 4, 2014.
