Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Some Others Soon To Be Known?

The Martin Chronicles recently told you that the phrase "others yet unknown" would become forever linked to Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's disastrous misadministration. It will end up being right up there with "I'm the CEO, its my decision, get over it, we're moving on.", the emetic "My head tells me (fill-in-the-blank) but my heart tells me (again, fill-in-the-blank)" and the notorious "I didn't know it then, but I know it now (whatever-the-heck "it" is."

Why will "others yet unknown" be long remembered? Because as those others do become known, it will prove costly to the taxpayers of Villa Hills. And that additional cost will be the sole responsibility of Martin's intentional acts of LIBEL, SLANDER, DEFAMATION, HARASSMENT and INTIMIDATION.

Our courthouse sources are buzzing. The Martin Chronicles is hearing that three people who previously fell under the heading of "others yet unknown" have evidently stepped forward to expose themselves-and the taxpayers of Villa Hills-to more costly litigation.

We know the names of the three people who are about to need an attorney. But we'll wait for news of the official filings. Instead, we'll now just give you clues to their identities.

Clue Number One: All three are Martin appointees who have been approved by the current City Council.

Clue Number Two: One of the three Martin appointees is a full-time City employee generously underwritten by Villa Hills' already over-burdened taxpayers. This appointee began his tenure with the City by photographing City employees in the odd hope of catching them in wrongdoing. This same appointee claims to be a victim of selective traffic enforcement despite the fact that they were never pulled over much less written a ticket. This same appointee was seen removing documents from the supposedly-secure police department. This same appointee has a strange penchant for filing Open Records requests for documents that they are supposed to be the "Official Custodian" of. This same appointee is also awaiting Martin's "golden moment" council's certain approval for promotion. Got it now?

Clue Number Three: The other two Martin appointees serve on both the Civil Service Board and the Safety Committee. Both recently made actionable comments at a recent Safety Committee meeting while Councilmen Jim Cahill and Rod Baehner both foolishly did their best imitation of The Sphinx. One used to be a regular defender of Martin's mayhem on Facebook. The other also serves as the City's representative to the Northern Kentucky Area Planning and Zoning Commission. Got it now? You may be about to get it again.

What a mess.