Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wouldn't A Dose Of "Alternate Reality" Be Great Right About Now?

The Martin Chronicles thinks the former councilman who used to run websites presenting his own views of the goings-on in the currently troubled town of Villa Hills is sorely missed right now. Before so many talented people were brought together by our beloved publisher to report on the mayhem being generated by the City's current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin, everyone enjoyed reading the highly entertaining opinions of Villa Hills resident-and two-term councilman-Mike Pope.

By gosh and by golly, we'd love nothing more than to see the website-maven Mr. Pope re-enter the cyberspace fray. He entertained us with sites condemning the previous administration for a "crime wave" on Mr. Pope railed against the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX on a website titled " A NEW TAX FOR YOU?".

His best-and most lasting- masterpiece was an "alternate reality" website attacking everything the previous administration did. Oh, and it was also sprinkled with high praise for then-private citizen Martin for his trips to Haiti. Labeling it The City of Villa Hills (or something like that), Mr. Pope did make the point of explaining it was NOT the Official Website of The City of Villa Hills. Darn, it was fun reading.

So, where is Mr. Pope now? Heck, there's so much happening upon which he could offer his views. Why doesn't he sit down at his computer and get back to work?

We'd just love to read Mr. Pope's take on:
  • The fact that Martin has hired his personal attorney to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ATTORNEY.
  • The fact that Martin hired a TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ADMINISTRATOR disguised as a City Clerk.
  • The fact that one of Mr. Pope's fellow former-councilman managed to get himself arrested for driving through a police barricade during a shooting incident while intoxicated and transporting illegal drugs.
  • The fact that Martin has personally signed a purchase order that paid himself more that TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS.
  • The fact that Martin has signed Executive Orders in to law, granting himself THE POWER TO ARREST "dissidents" who dare to attend City Council meetings.
  • The fact that Martin is SQUANDERING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS on a large squad of attorneys and legal actions.
  • The fact that Martin wants to take TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS out of the fund designated for the repair of the City's streets to PAY THE BUDGET OVERAGE ON ALL OF THE TINY TYRANT'S LAWYERS AND LEGAL ACTIONS. What the heck? We aren't anywhere near half way through the City's fiscal year and the TAXPAYER MONEY budgeted for legal fees has already been spent!
  • The fact that Martin is trying to push through a SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX, including trying to force a vote at what Pope used to describe as an un-televised "SECRET MEETING". Oh, right. That was just "a joke".
  • The fact that one of Martin's family members is currently spilling her guts to the Villa Hills Police-and others-all the way from North Dakota, about the real story behind the malfeasant Mayor Martin.
And that's just the tip of the malevolent Martin's and his cronies corrupt iceberg. Remember, these are some of the things that have happened since January of this year. Shouldn't Mike Pope purchase a few domain names so we can read what he has to say? That would be a valuable public service.

C'mon in Mr. Pope. The water's fine.