Wednesday, October 9, 2013


The Martin Chronicles admits we have been very hard on the new city council that has surrounded Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin since January of this year. We firmly believe our criticisms have well-deserved. But five of the council members took a stand against Martin's outrageous attempt to ram through HIS NEW ENERGY TAX at tonight's untelevised caucus meeting. They deserve a great deal of credit for doing so.

No, MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX isn't dead. But the council did table a possible vote until at least the televised council meeting that will be held later this month. For the record, all five councilmembers in attendance voted to table. Also for the record, Mary Koenig skipped yet another meeting.

Oh, there's more. Martin once again threatened to have residents removed from the meeting. Why? Because they wanted to express their views on MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX. And the diminutive dictator would have none of it. Transparency? Yeah, sure.

Holly Isenhour-Menninger may have provided the best pull quote of the night when she told Martin that "You may be in a big hurry (to pass MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX), but we're not!" Again, we aren't afraid to praise anyone when they do the right thing. Holly Menninger-Isenhour did the right thing. Or, at least she said the right thing.

The hits just keep comin'. Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry inappropriately strayed in to the realm of policy yet again. How so? He told council they should approve MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX at tonight's caucus. McMurtry needs to shut his pie hole on policy. But we hope he never does.

It continues to become more abundantly clear with each passing day that Martin is one of the most ill-equipped, unprepared mayors in the history of Kentucky. He couldn't coherently answer any questions. A meeting attendee asked the person seated next to him if Martin had recently had a stroke or a severe blow to the head. We are convinced that attendee was dead serious.

Martin also announced that he is going to continue to sue residents who choose not to pay the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. He also bizarrely announced that he wrote off the debt of a substantial amount of unpaid property tax-which surely totaled more than $40 per resident. The take-a-way? You should pay the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and skip paying your property tax. Martin will leave you alone then.

Our guess? Martin wandered over to visit with the civic club ass-hats after the meeting to throw back beer after beer and revisit his lunatic rant that no one will work with him..

It should be clear to most Villa Hills residents now why they won't.