Issue Number One:
"I take great exception to your description of (Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike) Martin as 'The Fourth Stooge'! The Three Stooges are American comedic icons. Those three were actually good guys. What that crooked doofus Martin has done to the City is far from funny. Besides he is a total piece of (EXPLETIVE DELETED)".
Our Response:
We are in complete agreement that The Three Stooges are comedic icons. We were simply reporting a current comparison that is making the rounds through the embarrassed Villa Hills.
Issue Number Two:
"Please explain something. How can Martin say that its not worth the effort to sue people over unpaid $100 property taxes when he continues to sue people for unpaid $40 license fees (the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX)?"
Our Response:
That is exactly our point. We believe Martin's choice of who to sue and not to sue makes absolutely no sense. At least when it comes to the arithmetic. And considering the fact that Martin is tasked with (mis)managing the City's THREE MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET, that should be of great concern to every citizen who has a functioning frontal lobe.
Issue Number Three:
"How can Martin justify trying to ram through HIS NEW ENERGY TAX when he hasn't dealt with any of the city councils' worries about it, refuses to answer any questions from residents and it brings in even less money for street repair than the (UNFAIR $40 PER CAR) sticker tax?"
Our Response:
Please don't ask us to try to understand Mike Martin's thought process. Frankly, we believe that could be hazardous to our collective mental health. We have always believed that there is very little common sense attached to what he does. Your best bet is to ask Martin to explain his rationale. And we wish you the very best of luck.
Issue Number Four:
"What in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) is wrong with what you call Martin's 'hillbilly lynchmob'? How stupid do you have to be to think that Martin has done anything but do great harm to what was once a well-respected town?"
Our Response:
We agree. You have to be incredibly stupid to believe that what Martin is doing is good for the City he cloyingly professed to love so much. But rest assured, there will be pinheads who go door-to-door sliming Martin's opponent-or opponents-next year and professing what a wonderful job the diminutive dictator has done. Remember, it hasn't been all that long ago that a nitwit took the podium to profess that she "trusts this mayor". How stupid do you have be to be to do that?
Issue Number Five:
"Is it legal for that goofball Martin to hire his own personal attorney to serve as the (taxpayer-funded) City Attorney?"
Our Response:
First of all, we believe you are giving Martin the benefit of the doubt by describing him as a 'goofball'. We are firmly convinced that Martin knows exactly what he's doing. And, yes, it is perfectly legal. That is if the City Council approves the appointment. And that is exactly what the majority of the current City Council did.
Issue Number Six:
"How could Villa Hills' voters elect that Mary Koenig back to council? Isn't she mostly responsible for the last big mess the City had?"
Our Response:
It is fair to say that Koenig was responsible for the last big mess. But you would have to poll the voters of Villa Hills to determine why they put her back on the current council. For the record, no member of Martin Chronicles staff who lives in Villa Hills voted for Koenig.
Issue Number Seven:
"How in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) do certain (EXPLETIVE DELETED) still support that idiot criminal Martin on Facebook?"
Our Response:
Because very few people are willing to admit they were wrong. That's the nicest response we can give. Beyond that, you need to ask them directly.
Issue Number Eight:
"Do you think Villa Hills voters are stupid or something?"
Our Response:
No. The voters of Villa Hills aren't stupid. They are a lot like voters everywhere. Many people are obsessed with the nonsense in Washington and don't realize that what their local government does has a far greater impact on their daily lives. Most voters take about thirty seconds to decide who to vote for in their local elections. If that. Then they have to wait until the next election to clean up any messes they've created.
Issue Number Nine:
"I've been thinking about joining the Villa Hills Civic Club. But I haven't because I'm concerned about exactly who the "Civic Club asshats are. Who are they?"
Our Response:
Don't worry about the asshats. Go ahead and join. If more good people become members maybe those asshats will have to find another place to sit around and spew their brainless venom.
Issue Number Ten:
"How can you possibly write that Martin can be re-elected in 2014?"
Our Response:
Because he can be re-elected in 2014. Especially if a large number of people continue to fail to pay attention to the mess Martin has created since he was elected in 2010.
We'll know for sure in 382 days.