Wednesday, October 2, 2013

He Can't Handle THE TRUTH. Can You?

The Martin Chronicles would most likely have at least a modicum of respect for Villa Hills’ malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin if he would simply tell the truth at least once and awhile. We still may not agree with his plans and positions. But we would appreciate the fact that he was being honest about events, actions and his desired direction for the City. But Martin’s default positions continue to be deflection and deception.

Sure, it may be perfectly innocent that Martin’s personal-and now City Attorney-neglected to mention that some still-being-investigated portion of the money the tiny tyrant wants to siphon out of the City’s taxpayer-funded cash reserves was going to be spent on lawyers and legal actions during the first reading of an ordinance at the September council meeting. But given Martin’s long record of deceit, it is now wonder that many residents believe they’re being conned yet again.

 How far back do we need to go?

·         Martin said he was “happy to tell the residents” he wasn’t suing them during his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign. But of course he was. Who says so? No less and august deliberative body than the United States Supreme Court.

·         Martin complained that he was just a good government zealot who was the target of dark forces attempting to stop him. But of course he wasn’t. Who says so? Four highly respected appellate court judges who opined that what Martin did fit “the very definition of FORGERY” and that there was indeed “PROBABLE CAUSE FOR HIS 2007 FORGERY ARREST”.

·         Martin claimed that he couldn’t fill Open Records requests because he hadn’t been left any records. So, he deflected his ILLEGAL FAILURE on to his predecessor. Then he later claimed that his part-time, temporary clerk had ILLEGALLY destroyed a large amount of City records because they were scattered about everywhere in the City Building. One-or both-of those disingenuous claims simply can’t be true.

·         Martin claimed that the list of burned documents he provided to the previous City Council contained everything that had been-as we now know-ILLEGALLY DESTROYED. Not once. No, he made that assertion twice. We soon found out that was absolutely UNTRUE.

·         Martin asserted that he didn’t sit down with Special Counsel to answer the perfectly reasonable questions being posed to him from the previous City Council because he “was never asked”. When Martin was presented with the multiple emails that had been sent to him to answer those perfectly reasonable questions, he chuckled and said, “You got me on that one.” Tens of thousands of dollars was wasted as a result of Martin’s duplicity.

·         Martin complained that all of the turmoil in Villa Hills City government was a result of a council that just wouldn’t work with him. Hungry to end the embarrassment, the voters gave the mendacious Martin an entirely new council to work with beginning this year. And yet, the turmoil continues. Who says so? No less that the venerable Kentucky Enquirer. Yet another example of Martin’s incessant deflection and deception.

·        Martin has maintained for years that he had no intention to disband the Villa Hills Police Department. Then, he tripped over his own tongue earlier this year to reveal that this was exactly what he planned to do. Media reports later confirmed that he had been seeking costs for police protection from other Cities for quite some time.

This is just the tip of Martin’s giant iceberg of LIES. It seems as if Martin is simply incapable of telling the truth on matters large and small. It’s not our job to discern why Martin is incapable of being truthful. We report what has happened. And what has happened proves Martin just can’t seem to be truthful.
Sure, Martin will have his defenders. Some people will recount meaningless stories of the great things he does for people. Others will try to claim that spending six-figure amounts of money actually represents "saving money for roads". That is utter nonsense. But will fifty percent-plus one of Villa Hills residents be able to cut through the blue smoke and mirrors that is surely coming?

Hopefully, the voters will elect someone who can be truthful with them in 398 days. That outcome remains to be seen.