Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Better Idea

The Martin Chronicles strongly believes it has a better idea for freeing up more money for street repair than the one currently being pushed by Villa Hills’ malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and the gaggle of lame-brained lemmings that continue to want to follow him as he takes the entire City over the fiscal cliff. Martin and his fellow nitwits seem to believe that SPENDING ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS RIGHT NOW is a great way to free-up roughly $40,000 a year for additional street repair.

These dimbulbs actually equate SPENDING ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS to “saving money”. Even though under the best of circumstance it would take more than three years to possibly break even. Do you believe SPENDING ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IS “SAVING MONEY”? Of course, most of you don’t.

If the interest being earned on the taxpayer-funded City cash reserves is less than the interest being paid on the loan for the City Building, you could make the case that you have lessened the debt load. But you certainly aren’t saving money when you SPEND ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. This is especially true because some still undetermined portion of that ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS is supposed to be used to pay the mismanaging Martin’s excessive legal bills.

What about this? It is a fact that Martin is squandering taxpayer money on at least six attorneys and all kinds of unnecessary legal actions. How can Martin defend this? Well, he chooses not to. He simply chooses to avoid that part of the discussion. Whether by chance or design, Martin’s personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry failed to mention that some still undetermined portion of that ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLAR WITHDRAWAL FROM THE TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY CASH RESERVES will go towards Martin’s attorneys.

Wouldn’t it be far easier to simply reduce the number of taxpayer-funded attorneys? Wouldn’t it be far easier to drop the expensive lawsuit against the City’s Civil Service Board? Wouldn’t it be far easier to drop the expensive lawsuit against a City employee and seek a compromise solution? Of course it would. So, why not do it.

Martin could easily free up far more money for street repair if he stopped using YOUR MONEY to fund his long-running vendetta against the people he blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. So why doesn’t he do it?

Perhaps you should ask Martin why he won’t do it.