Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Hits Keep Coming

The Martin Chronicles has a great deal of information to digest from the latest fiasco officially known as Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's monthly televised City Council meeting. We'll give you a full, in-depth analysis as soon as we are able.

Our initial take?
  • How in the wide, wide world of sports can the September financial reports still not be complete? Could it be because the mistake-plagued Martin hired an unqualified crony to foul-up the City's financial records? Many residents think so. Could it be that Martin's $47.50 per hour taxpayer-funded crony has totally bollixed up the City's books? If taxpayers need any more evidence that Martin is completely mismanaging their hard-earned money, what could it possibly be?
  • Who gives a rat's tail that Martin's personal-and now taxpayer-funded City-attorney was recently elected as President of the Northern Kentucky Bar Association? Is that supposed to add some kind of credibility to Martin or Toad? We know what Toad has done in Villa Hills. We know what Martin has done to Villa Hills. So what?
  • The new City Council voted 6-0 to table THE MALEVOLENT MARTIN'S RIDICULOUSLY ONEROUS NEW ENERGY TAX! As one local wag aptly described it, that was "a big, no thank sir to the mismanaging Martin!!!!!!!!
  • Evidently, the City's Finance Committee has had serious discussions about putting out another Road Tax ballot initiative in 2014 that would result in a huge property tax increase to many residents. Does the malapropos Martin have the brains and skill to successfully promote such a tax to the residents? Does the manic Martin have the guts to risk re-election to support such a proposal? We're very well be about to learn the answer to those questions.
  • After a great deal of set-up from Martin's two black-jacketed, taxpayer-funded hired gun cronies, Martin casually announced that the City's taxpayer-funded, seven-figure cash reserve may be totally gone in January 2014. That would be an unmitigated-and unnecessary-financial disaster.
Will voters finally send the mismatched Martin permanently packing in 375 days? More to come.