Monday, October 21, 2013

The Ballad Of Toad V. McMurtry

The Martin Chronicles reporters work very hard tracking down the endless stories of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. But our reporters are human beings too. Sometimes they need a break from all of the waste, fraud and abuse of power.

Our beloved publisher entered the offices of The Martin Chronicles Saturday morning. He was greeted by two reporters who told him their work was inspired by his off-hand comment that Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry "must feel like he struck oil" with all of the money he is making off Villa Hills' taxpayers.

The reporters asked if they could show their work. Given permission, one picked up a guitar and the other a banjo and performed a song they had written to the tune of the Flatt and Scruggs classic "The Ballad of Jed Clampett". Please feel free to sing along.

The Ballad of Toad V. McMurtry

Come and listen to my story ‘bout a man named Toad

Gone to work a lawyerin’ for a major pant load

Makin' tons of cash ‘cause he don’t work for free

Fills up his sack with stacks of money

(Taxpayer money that is)

Well the next thing ya know Toad’s tellin’ us what he thinks

People everywhere say that surely stinks

But that don’t matter, as all can plainly see

‘Cause no matter how bad it gets, Toad gets his money.

(Benjamin’s that is. Long green. Major cash.)

Soon hope we get to say goodbye to Toad and all his pals

We’d surely like to thank you all for readin’ all the while.

You’re all invited to the polls on next year's November Four

To send Toad and his gang out that City Buildin' door.

(Branch Norwoodians, that’s what they call ‘em now.

Ya’ll don’t come back now, ya hear?)
We think the song is sure to be a hit. Well, at least it had the entire staff laughing all weekend.
Now get back to work!!!