Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Financial Fiascos Fomenting

The Martin Chronicles has been receiving some incredible-but confirmed-reports from Monday night's Villa Hills' malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Finance Committee meeting. We have been predicting much of what was discussed. We have to admit that even we are a bit surprised by how quickly our predictions are becoming a grim reality.

So what's happening?

It should come as no surprise to anyone who has been reading the Martin Chronicles that the Finance Committee publicly discussed the fact that the ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- EIGHT PERCENT INCREASE in the City's legal fees WILL NOT BE ENOUGH. Think of it. Council just approved Martin's pernicious plea for that shocking increase at the December 2013 City Council meeting. It has evidently only taken the mismanaging Martin thirty days to squander the additional taxpayer money he wanted for lawyers and legal actions.

The Finance Committee publicly discussed new ways for the City to reach into the taxpayers' wallets. Again, we have been predicting this sorry turn of events for many months. The Finance Committee is using the fact that Martin's buddy, the bilious blowhard County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus is breaking his promise to collect the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX.

What are the options being considered?
  • A property tax for roads that would generate the amount currently being collected through the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. Here's the catch. That would require a property tax increase somewhere in the neighborhood of TWENTY PERCENT. Will the Finance Committee propose putting such a whopping tax increase on the 2014 ballot? Or, will they suggest enacting the tax, requiring Villa Hills residents to gather enough signatures to put a question on the 2014 ballot asking voters to overturn the approved increase? Can you say, "petition drive"?
  • An additional "per parcel" fee of $80 on Villa Hills residents annual property tax bill allegedly restricted for road repair. Our legal team is looking in to this problematic proposal. Our legal team seems to think that all tax increases on property in Kentucky must be ad valorem-or based on value-in nature. Speculation? Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry may think he has discovered some loophole.
  • A combination of increases including MARTIN'S UNFAIR NEW ENERGY TAX and MARTIN'S SNEAKY INCREASE IN THE SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX. We warned you this one was coming. Look out.
  • What wasn't publicly discussed should scare Villa Hills' taxpayers the most. What would that be? Martin's lame-brained proposal to BORROW A MILLION DOLLARS OR TWO to pay for his non-existent street repair program. The problem with that aforementioned lame-brained proposal? Well, from where will the money come to service the debt to repay that MILLION DOLLARS OR TWO that Martin wants to borrow? Oh, that's right. It will come out of the wallets of the Villa Hills' taxpayers.
We also learned that the Finance Committee is still unprepared to approve the November-yes, we know its already January, but also yes, we wrote NOVEMBER-City financial report. Why? Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Okay. The mendacious Martin has yet to answer the many questions the Finance Committee has about the November mess. Hard to believe, huh?

Martin can yip and yap about the money he is allegedly saving on postage meters, car washes, paper towels, microwave ovens and coffee. The reality is that in three dreadful years the miniature mullah has created a colossal financial mess that is going to be very difficult to fix.

Oh, its even worse. Martin is facing a mountain of personal financial liability from the lawsuits his intentional LIBEL, SLANDER, DEFAMATION, HARRASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION has created. Rest uneasy, he is doing everything he can to guarantee that the taxpayers of Villa Hills fork over the money to extricate the diminutive dictator from his intentionally created mess.

How might this all end?