Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What We Know And Don't Know

The Martin Chronicles believes most of you are aware that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin will be presiding over a special meeting at River Ridge Elementary School tonight purportedly to take public comment on his plan to outsource police protection. We certainly hope many of you will join our reporting staff at the meeting. Despite the fact that it is yet another Martin foul-up. Let’s get prepped.

Here is some of what we know heading in to Wednesday’s meeting:

1.       Martin probably won’t have any substantial plan for outsourcing available for public scrutiny, despite the fact that he has been working on his plan since August, 2010. You know. Even before he narrowly eked out his mayoral victory that was built on a veritable MOUNTAIN OF LIES.

2.       There is a huge grassroots effort underway expressing strong public support for the Villa Hills Police Department.

3.       Martin has finally admitted that he has already met with other agencies to discuss outsourced police protection. As far as Martin is concerned, disbanding the Villa Hills Police Department is a GIVEN.

4.       Councilwoman Holly Isenhour-Menninger has been telling residents that outsourcing is a “DONE DEAL”. A sworn statement about those comments and others that will most likely get her SUED (YES, YOU TAXPAYERS WILL PROBABLY HAVE TO PAY FOR HER DEFENSE) from the foolish mouth of Isenhour-Menninger herself is being secured.

5.       Martin has told several people that he is DEFINITELY putting police protection out for bid.

Here are questions we have for Martin (that we know he can’t answer):

You say you are looking to outsource police protection as a way to “save money”. If you’re goal is “saving money”, why have you:

1.       Increased the City Attorney line item in your budget by at least FORTY PERCENT?

2.       Why are you actually paying both attorneys Toad McMurtry and Robert Winters to perform work for the City?

3.       Why are you planning to hire another public works employee?

4.       Why did you hire a City Administrator disguised as yet another clerk?

5.       Why did you just spend $1,000 for new furniture you didn’t need?

6.       Why did you spend $7,000 attempting to have a City employee terminated?

7.       Why do you continue to ignore the Auditor’s advice that hiring the eighth police officer would SAVE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS A YEAR in overtime?


Something else people should consider, before it’s too late:

Kenton County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus took a dog-and-pony show from City to City, promising that his plan to consolidate Emergency Dispatch Services under the supervision of the County would “save one million dollars”. The reality? To be as kind as we can be, the real savings? Timpani! There are NO SAVINGS. What the world needs now is TRUTH, SWEET TRUTH. We didn’t get it from Arlinghaus. We aren’t getting it from Martin.

You see, Martin has kept the police department understaffed for two and-a-half years. Administration can get another employee. Public works can get another employee. Martin can employ multiple attorneys to work for the City. But the police? Martin steadfastly refuses to hire the eighth officer. Interesting, isn’t it?
The public hearing is tonight.