Thursday, May 23, 2013

May Council Meeting News and Notes I

The Martin Chronicles knows we have to wait out the next eighteen months until the next election. It's the next and best opportunity to get rid of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. The restoration of the reputation of a City that was ranked "The Best City in Northern Kentucky" as recently as June 2010 (before Martin was elected) can only happen after the miscreant Martin is shown the exit.  The problem? Just how much more damage will the miasmic Martin do between now and then?

In the meantime, we will do our job. Part of that job is to report on Martin's monthly mish-mosh of mismanaged council meetings. Last night was no exception. The meetings have changed though. They now have a sinister feel to them. What is now happening goes well beyond Martin's incredible incompetence. What is now happening is a manifestation of a malevolent Martin no longer held accountable by a council with the clear courage to question him.

Martin has surrounded himself with goons who use intimidation to get their way. The first sign last night? Two Kenton County Police Cruisers and a Sheriff's unit were sitting in the City Building parking lot to serve as a stern warning to any dissidents who might consider stepping out of line.

We also saw Toad McMurtry push back against legitimate Open Records requests for his invoices and letter of engagement, saying that the information is covered by "attorney-client privilege". Excuse us? Who is paying your invoices, Toad? Why, that would be THE TAXPAYERS. And they don't have the right to see your invoices? We'll see about that.

McMurtry was asked if the implementation of Martin's radical plan to "outsource" police protection could be done unilaterally by Martin or would it require approval by council. Surprisingly, McMurtry said he didn't know. Despite the fact that the issue has been discussed for months. Some conclude that McMurtry was simply waiting for the question to be asked, thus allowing him TO BILL THE TAXPAYERS FOR HIS RESEARCH.

The meeting was filled with more ham-handed attempts to embarrass the police department as well. Vile ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig claimed she contacted police agencies all over Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati and none of them have their first and second-in-command on duty at the same time (an obvious shot at Chief Goodenough and Detective Schutzman).

To his credit, Chief Goodenough told the sea-hag Koenig that she was incorrect. Goodenough then asked Koenig is she had bothered to inquire if the first and second-in-command at these other police agencies patrol the streets (as Goodenough and Schutzman do). Koenig's stunned silence was all the answer needed.

Oh, you knew that Holly Menninger-Isenhour had to say something stupid. She didn't let us down. After getting flummoxed as she was asking questions about the police home fleet, she looked at the mendacious Martin and asked, "You did want me to bring this up, didn't you?" If she wasn't so dangerous she would be hilarious.

Finally for now, the best line of the night was uttered by a woman leaving the council chambers at the conclusion of the meeting. She shook her head and said, "That Martin is disgusting. He looks like A GOOFY BEAVER sitting up there chomping on his gum with that (EXPLETIVE)-eating grin on his stupid face".

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We are simply reporting what was said at the conclusion of last night's meeting. We mean no disrespect to the Tri-State area's lovable beaver population.]