Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Signs, Signs, Everywhere A Sign

The Martin Chronicles’ staff can’t be the only people who see the “Keep OUR Villa Hills Police Department” signs popping up all over Villa Hills’ malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin’s troubled town. We suspect that the mendacious Martin and the six new members of city council see them as well.

What does it mean? It means that finally-since residents were being told of Martin’s vendetta-driven plan to disband the police department as far back as the 2010 mayoral campaign-that many town folk have finally awakened to the fact that the miscreant Martin has been telling them LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE. We suppose better possibly too late than never.

Why do we write possibly too late? Because the voters compounded the difficulty of stopping Martin’s plan by tossing out the previous council who was willing to stand up to the malevolent mayor. Spurred on by the likes of-yes, here we go again-the civic club ass clowns, the St. Jokers, the Tea Party extremists, the gun nuts, the neo-Nazis and the bed-wetting EDDIE, voters surrounded Martin with blind loyalists and at least one councilman who is evidently too gutless to do the things that may be required to stop Martin.

But that hasn’t deterred a grass roots movement-no, we're not talking about Jim Noll, Flyin' Brian R. Wischer or Holly Boo-Boo's hobby-from taking it to the streets to let the residents know what the mismanaging Martin has really been up to. And a good number of the residents are reacting. It’s not just the huge number of signs that have appeared. Sources confirm that there has also been a highly successful fundraising effort to fuel further action.

Here is what else is happening. This grassroots effort realizes that if Martin’s push to disband the police department is stopped, it will only be a temporary victory. Why? Because Martin will never let go of his quest for revenge for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. If he is stopped this time, he will TRY AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN to get his revenge.

Smart people are already anticipating what Martin will do. If he is thwarted this time, Martin will shamelessly campaign for re-election making the brazen claim that HE SAVED THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Exactly as he did in 2010, Martin will sling mendacious mud at his opponent and try to get a couple of more fellow travelers elected to council to guarantee the votes he needs.

Unless the grassroots effort continues in earnest to set the record straight between now and Election Day, 2014, there may be just enough inattentive voters who believe Martin’s PATHOLOGICAL LIES yet again.

The City has suffered through enough of Martin's LIES. The only real way to stop Martin permanently is to vote him out of office once and for all on November 4, 2014.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: The April readership numbers are in. The Martin Chronicles had its second-best readership month ever! Only the malfeasant Martin's removal hearing drew a bigger audience last October.]