Friday, May 31, 2013


The Martin Chronicles has been reviewing the charges Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is bringing against Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman. As we have already reported, the Civil Service Commission is meeting tonight to set a date for a hearing at which time Martin hopes to terminate Assistant Chief Schutzman.

Here is something we want you to ponder. Do you consider the mendacious Martin's radical plan to disband the police department a "political" issue? Why do we ask? Because it appears that Martin believes it is.

Consider this. Ever since his radical plan to disband the police department was revealed, Martin has been bloviating that his motivation is "budgetary". Is Martin now saying that his radical plan is really motivated by "politics". It sounds like it.

Martin is wrong either way.  He's off-base whether he believes his radical plan represents a "budgetary" or a "political" issue.

Why? Because it is an issue of THE SAFETY OF THE RESIDENTS. Pure and simple.