Thursday, December 6, 2012

Swallowing Camels

The Martin Chronicles will continue to report more examples of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's nonsensical gnat-straining like the car wash,coffee and paper towel crises. Trust us. Those three bits of nitwittery are just the iceberg's tip. The next two years promise to be Martinmageddon.

We are confident that all the tri-cornered hat-wearing, home-schooling, Liberty-Leaguing, "Don't Tread On Me" flag-waving Tea Partiers think its great that Mayor Mighty Mouse is fretting over car washes, coffee and paper towels. But like Shorty, these government-hating fanatics are missing what's commonly referred to as "the big picture".

Despite being a self-professed holy-rolling snake handler, Shorty continually disregards the good advice found in Matthew's Gospel about not straining out gnats and swallowing camels (the animal, not the cigarette). Want an example? Sure you do.

Unimpeachable sources tell us that Martin recently advised the Crescent Springs-Villa Hills Volunteer Fire Department that he was going to request that other area fire departments provide quotes for fire protection. The Tea Partiers, Liberty Leaguers and other tri-cornered hat-wearing, "Don't Tread On Me" flag-waving pinheads will certainly cheer that news. Mostly because those Martinesque fanatics are pinheads.

Why do we say that? Because the best reaction isn't always the knee-jerk one that Martin employs. Just a tad bit of research would have shown The Norwood Sewer Rat that Villa Hills residents currently pay far less for fire protection than the residents of any neighboring City. We are checking to see if Shorty ran this not-so-brilliant idea past incoming council gurus like Jim Cahill and the reanimated Mary Koenig. We hope not.

So what went wrong? Well, we are told that if the Crescent Springs-Villa Hills Volunteer Fire Department is forced to join in the bidding process it will jump from the current bargain-priced $800,000 to a more-in-line-with-the-going-rate $1.2 MILLION.

For those Martin fans who are a little weak on math-and other things-that is a $400,000 increase. To put it another way, a 50% increase in cost. For the mathematicians out there,  
$1.2 MILLION > $800,000. A whole lot >!!!!

That's a mule-choking bunch of coffee, paper towels, toilet paper and car washes.

[EDITOR'S QUESTION: While we are on the subject of total wastes of money, it has now been well over a year since Martin crony-hire, unqualified clerk/bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber claims she resigned. So why are the taxpayers still paying her $47.50 per hour?]