Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What About The Hometown Heroes?

The Martin Chronicles fully understands the significance of September 11, 2001. The events of that day provide yet another example of Americans at their best. Responding to the chaos created by terrorists who hoped to bring our country to its knees, many fine people gave the last full measure of devotion while selflessly coming to the aid of others. The sacrifice made by these first responders and others should never be forgotten.

We hope many people decide to go to the ceremony at Crescent Springs Community Park tonight to remember that sacrifice and honor the memories of all of the victims of that terrorist attack. It is a worthwhile thing to do.

But we have to admit that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's involvement in this event does not come without irony. Whether Councilmember Mary Koenig is correct when she says that all of the current turmoil in Villa Hills has resulted from Martin's utterance of "an unfortunate word", or as is far more likely, it has come from Martin's vendetta against the police department he blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST, what is happening to that local department is a disgrace.

Villa Hills police officers deserve far better than what they have been getting since January 2011. We can only imagine what it must be like for those dedicated professionals who come to work with the cloud of uncertainty that hangs over their heads. They should not be pawns in the vagaries of local hillbilly politics. But they are.

Fortunately, we live in a country where these problems are solved with ballots, not bullets. All we have to do is to look at the history of the past twelve years of bloody violence in the Middle East to know how fortunate we are. The people of Villa Hills have the opportunity to come to the aid of their hometown heroes on November 4, 2014. That is now 419 days away.

Never forget.