Thursday, September 26, 2013

Meeting Quick Takes

The Martin Chronicles had reporters at Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's monthly City Council meeting last night. We also had a team-including our beloved publisher-watching the proceedings. Suffice it to say that it was-as expected-another weird night in Martinville. We were regaled with revelations about secret meetings and out-of-body experiences.

Here are our "quick takes", soon to be followed by more in-depth reporting:
  • Why is the mendacious Martin so nervous? Yes, we agree that he should be very nervous. But we generally assume he is far too stupid to realize the troubled state he has created and occupies. We also generally assume that Martin has developed several LIES to obfuscate his way out of any immediate problems.
  • Why should residents want Martin's personal-and now taxpayer-funded City-Attorney to continue to offer his vapid opinions on any policy matter? Toad simply needs to sit there, keep his trap shut, and provide any legal assistance that is asked of him. Fortunately, Toad will continue to overstep his bounds.
  • Why do meeting attendees seem so reluctant to say what they really think? Could it have anything to do with THE FACT that Martin signed an Executive Order providing him the authority to have them expelled from the meeting-or worse yet-arrested?
  • Why would anyone be satisfied that the Finance Committee did not receive what should be very easily generated reporting in order for them to do their job? In all the seriousness that we can muster, that is an outrage and an affront to the residents.
  • Why do the taxpayers continue to fund Martin's squad of lawyers to sue residents, the Civil Service Board and-worst of all-the residents?
  • Why did any voter think it was a good idea to return the vile, ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig to the City Council? She is an anachronism who still thinks the solution to every problem is either more taxes or a kick to somebody's crotch.
  • Why did we ever doubt that HBM-I is a train wreck? After all, her inane comments are becoming the sordid stuff of local legend. We are already looking in to HBM-I's council-meeting revelation that Martin is conducting "secret meetings".

We'll have more in-depth analysis soon.