Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Exploding A Martin Myth

The Martin Chronicles has eyes and ears everywhere. We also keep an eye on the various social networks were so many opinions about the goings-on in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin are posted. We think it may be valuable for our readers to know about one of the myths Martin and his surrogates are peddling.

First, a reminder as background. As we have previously reported, Martin is using taxpayer money to fund a squad of attorneys to wrest away the authority of the City's duly-appointed Civil Service Board to decide on the merits of the diminutive dictator's charges against Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman. You know. The police officer Martin blames most for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST.

Martin claims that City Council should decide the merits of those charges. He even offered up a bizarre comment to the media, suggesting the Schutzman would not get "a fair hearing" from the five members of the Civil Service Board. Remember, three council members have already publicly declared their support for "outsourcing" at least the management of the Villa Hills PD. Does any reasonable person really believe that Schutzman would be treated fairly in the council forum?

So what is the myth being spread about the Civil Service Board. Well, Martin and his cronies are peddling the lie that the five board members would be biased against the tiny tyrant because they were appointed by previous administration. But of course-as is almost always the case in Martin's world-that claim is a bold-faced lie.

You see, Martin has appointed three of the five members currently serving on the Civil Service Board. We aren't saying we think Martin's three appointees will be in the tank for the little liar. We suspect they would weigh the facts presented and make a fair decision. The two members who were appointed by the previous administration would do the same. But the numbers serve as clear evidence that Martin and his surrogates are lying yet again.

The fact that Martin wants to plead his case against Schutzman before what he believes will be a far more compliant City Council is further proof that he does have a vendetta against the Villa Hills Police Department.