Monday, September 2, 2013

LABOR DAY PREVIEW: Shocking Story In The Works

The Martin Chronicles reporting staff has been spending many hours interviewing people who have been a target of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's spiteful vengeance. What we are learning is incredible, but sadly, all too true.

So what has Martin been up to for the past few years? Well, we are learning that Martin is attempting to carry out his paranoid vendetta against several people using several entities and people who in some cases you are paying.

Who are some of the entities and people we have learned Martin has been using to "get" his perceived enemies?:
  • The reluctant Villa Hills Police Department-a group he earnestly intends to eliminate.
  • The Better Business Bureau.
  • His personal-and now taxpayer-funded City Attorney-Toad McMurtry.
  • His taxpayer-funded City Attorney/City Administrator Craig Bohman.
  • Taxpayer-funded Northern Kentucky Area Planning & Zoning Commission.
  • Taxpayer-funded attorney Robert Winters.
  • The Kentucky Labor Cabinet
We are also compiling evidence that the malfeasant Martin has been using surrogates to contact the employer's of Martin's paranoia-fueled enemies list to cause difficulties for those people at work. What we are learning is truly disgusting. But it does fit in to the malevolent Martin's often-announced plans to "pick 'em off one at a time".

Layer this on top of the other lies the mendacious Martin has been spreading for years.:
  • He recruited members of his infamous hillbilly lynchmob to spread lies about his opponents with a now-fulfilled promise of taxpayer-funded crony employment.
  • He turned loose the hillbilly ass-hats from the civic club by filling their empty heads with lies about how he was being persecuted by "dark forces" when the reality is that Martin did indeed commit forgery.
  • He falsely claimed that he came in to office finding that computer files had been erased. We learned later that the computer forensic company he wasted your money on never made such a finding.
And shame on the pinheads who say that Martin does "great things for people" and proclaim that "they trust this mayor". They are one of the main reasons a once-proud City is in absolute chaos.

While we have expressed frustration with the three solid people who are currently on City Council for always prefacing comments with, "This (fill-in-the-blank) problem isn't about Martin" or refusing to respond to snarky insults that Martin hurls at them, we have to confess we understand to a degree. They see what we see. Martin is a venal, cheap-shot bully who has no boundaries when it comes to below-the-belt, more-often-than-not-false attacks on those he believes are his "enemies". Who wants to fool with that?

Our beloved publisher told the reporters who approached him about developing this shocking story to never compare Martin to Richard Nixon. Why? Because-while Nixon was indeed a crook like Martin is a crook-Nixon had a functioning brain. So, we will make no such comparisons when this story unfolds.

But, Martin's behavior has been solid proof that the old saw "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" is-interestingly enough-absolutely true. Oh, by the way...

Happy Labor Day! Hey, what the heck?