Friday, September 6, 2013

WEEKENDER: No Time To Celebrate

The Martin Chronicles staff read the fairly recent article, "Villa Hills adding three part-time officers" very closely. As is almost always the case in the local papers, the headline is very misleading. The unknown-sized portion of Villa Hills residents we categorize as "the low information population" might see the headline and conclude that all is well with the Villa Hills Police Department.

But before these inattentive folks break out in to a rousing rendition of Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus", they should read the entire article. Why? Because therein lies the truth. The article tells us that "Martin said he does want to outsource the department's work". So, nothing has changed.

The article says Martin has "no intention" of putting police services out for bid now or in the near future". Of course not. Martin has already approached other Cities to provide bids for police protection. The Ft. Mitchell mayor already confirmed that.

While we are loathe to try to guess what the malfeasant Martin is cooking up, it does seem that he is delaying things in hopes that the strong opposition to his radical plan cools off. But his comments-and the "cat-and-mouse" comments of Councilwoman Koenig-in this recent article are clear signs that they have every intention to outsource police services.

Martin's surrogates are also pushing a full-scale attack on the VHPD's leadership. It is truly disgusting. It's also truly Martin and his compliant band of idiots. Hey, we read the social networking posts just like a lot of people do. We can tell that Martin's pinheads are blaming City employees and others for Martin's abject lack of leadership since January, 2011. It's always someone else's fault for Martin's wasteful screw-ups? Give us a break. And these aforementioned pinheads should try being intellectually honest for once.

Besides, are people considering how Martin's radical plan is impacting the morale of the police department? Long before Martin tripped over his own tongue and revealed that he had been lying about his plans for the police department, the officers already knew what the dim-bulbed, diminutive dictator was planning. No wonder good officers are leaving.

We hope that an any-sized majority of Villa Hills residents (we'd settle for a majority of one) are breaking out in the "Hallelujah Chorus" at about 9 o'clock on the evening of November 4, 2014. Why, because on that day that majority of those residents will have hopefully awakened to the disaster and voted Martin and a few others out on their asses once and for all.

If it happens, the drinks are on The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher.