Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It's Not My Fault!

The Martin Chronicles has been compiling information on Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin for some time now. That effort was underway well before Martin' dirtbag 2010 campaign landed him in the mayor's office. So, when we launched our pesky blog on October 8, 2011 we already had a treasure trove of background to assist us.

One of the recurring themes in Martin's mendacious world is that nothing is ever his fault. The diminutive dictator wants people to believe that he is always a victim of circumstances beyond his control. Unless, of course, something good happens.

What's so odd about Martin's reflexive habit of blaming others when things go wrong but pulling credit to himself when there is any success is that he still appears to believe that he is on the outside looking in to the mess that he himself has created. Sure, it can work when you are actually an outsider running for election-like during his 2010 mudfest campaign. But he has been mismanaging Villa Hills' City government now for almost three years. He is the responsible party. Or, as he has been so fond of reminding us, he is the CEO.

Let's take a little walk down memory lane:

  • The Commonwealth Attorney's office issued an arrest warrant for Martin on charges of FORGERY in late 2007. Martin claimed that a bank teller told him it was perfectly fine to sign a deceased person's name on that deceased person's checks and cash them. So, the FORGERY was actually some bank teller's fault. After it was all said and done, four judges summarily dismissed Martin's claim by opining that what he did fit the very definition of FORGERY.
  • Martin added some dishonest intrigue to his FORGERY ARREST as he was attempting to secure a $1.505 MILLION judgment from the taxpayers of Villa Hills just a few years ago. We have reviewed depositions taken during his lawsuit. Martin falsely claimed that his FORGERY ARREST was nothing more than a result of a vicious payback against him for his good government investigations in to what he falsely claimed was suspicious activity by the City's Building Inspector and his predecessor. Again, those same four judges opined that his claims were specious.
  • Martin blamed everybody else for not telling him about the temporary arrangement for the Villa Hills Police Department to handle building inspections that had been made prior to him taking office. He continues to maintain that this temporary arrangement is the reason that so much money has been wasted on unnecessary police overtime. But what did Martin ever do to resolve the issue? Absolutely nothing. Say it again. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • Martin blamed the fact that the residents of his troubled town hadn't purchased enough firearms to deal with the continuing surge in all types of crime. Of course, his persistent and vicious vendetta against the Villa Hills Police Department had nothing to do with the problem. Sure enough. Gun up, everybody! 
  • Martin blamed the crony-hire temporary clerk who had supposedly been hired to assist with property tax season for the now-proven ILLEGAL destruction of City records back in January 2012. Of course, Martin never offered an explanation for why this crony-hire temporary clerk was still being paid after tax season ended or why she was doing something other than collect property tax. The crony-hire temporary clerk later fell on her sword for Martin and said she "read a book" about how to be a City Clerk. C'mon, man.
  • Martin's personal-and now taxpayer funded City-attorney Toad McMurtry layered on to the excuses for the Little Liar's ILLEGAL destruction of City records. How? During Martin's October, 2012 removal hearing, Toad maintained that the ILLEGAL destruction of City records was the fault of a Police Chief who didn't tell Martin he wasn't allowed to break the law and an Assistant Police Chief who "planted evidence". Of course, Toad offered no proof and nothing has been said since former Councilmen Mike Pope and Jim Noll went in the tank to vote against removing Martin from office.
  • Martin blamed the continuing turmoil in Villa Hills City government on the past council. He said they wouldn't work with him. They said they didn't like the changes he was making. Enough voters believed his false lament to surround the tiny tyrant with an entirely new council in November, 2012. Not surprisingly, things are still getting worse.

Look, for a guy who obsesses on paper towels, car washes, coffee and postage meters, it's damned strange that Martin misses so many BIG THINGS. What's the verse from the Holy Bible? "Straining gnats and swallowing camels". All of Martin's bizarre excuse-making doesn't pass the smell test.

The voters will have the opportunity to hold Martin accountable for his LIES and MISDEEDS
in just 412 days. A lot will happen between now and November 4, 2014.

What will the voters do?