Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No Finance Committee Meeting

The Martin Chronicles has learned that this month's Villa Hills' Finance Committee meeting was cancelled. Sources tell us that the meeting was cancelled because financial reports were not ready for review. This despite the fact that-since the monthly council meeting was moved to the last Wednesday of each month some time ago-those responsible for preparing the financial reports have an additional week to do their job.

Will Martin give another Finance Committee chairperson the boot because of what he'll rudely describe as "shortcomings"? One thing we know for sure. Martin will let everyone know that none of this is his fault. He's only "the CEO", after all. We'll be watching closely for the tiny tyrant's next move.

We have also heard some odd rumors about why the reports have not been completed. We are continuing to work to confirm these rumors. When we do we'll pass that information along to you.

Sources also tell us that Villa Hills' malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is fussing about how his words are being twisted and false stories about his intentions are circulating around town. Given the now well-known fact that Martin has been a master of circulating false stories and defaming those he perceives as enemies, his latest lament is laughable.

Damned ironic, isn't it?