Wednesday, September 4, 2013

C'mon Man

The Martin Chronicles has already reported the cheesy lecture malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and his flunky Councilmembers Koenig and Wischer offered up about their twisted views on following the rules of sign placement in their embattled City. This diatribe was delivered at the August non-secret council meeting. Their lecture was not only hypocritical, it was extremely stultifying.

Here's what we suggest to our large audience. Hop in your car and take a quick drive around the 3.5 square miles of Villa Hills. What will you see? Signs for upcoming City functions placed in right-of-ways all over the place.

Look, the city-wide yard sale and family camp-out may be the best events ever held by any City anywhere, ever. But here's the point. If you clowns are going to lecture people who support a fully-staffed, local police department about the rules of sign placement-how about following those rules yourself?

Martin's track record has proved he believes that the rules apply to everyone but him. But, c'mon man.

We can only hope the voters deliver a "lecture" to Martin and his entourage in 426 days.