Friday, August 2, 2013

WEEKENDER: What's In A Nickname?

The Martin Chronicles has been watching the recent trend of local cities giving themselves contemporary, cool nicknames. No, it isn't a completely new idea. But it is an idea that is suddenly catching on.

Let's look at some local town tags:
  • Edgewood has long used the nickname "The Wood".
  • Cincinnati is now referring to itself as "The Nati".
  • Newport denizens have termed their historic river town as "The Port".
  • Crescent Springs is now calling itself "The Springs".
  • Crestview Hills sometimes calls itself "The View".
  • Taylor Mill residents have been overheard calling their city "The Mill".
  • Lakeside Park is often called "The Park".
  • Ludlow has been known to be referred to as "The Low".
  • Cold Spring residents have dubbed their town as "The Cold".
  • Kenton Vale's 110 residents have called their hometown "The Vale".
  • Elsmere folks have been overheard referring to their city as "The Mere".
  • Florence residents-perhaps in honor of the Progressive Insurance spokeswoman-call their turf "The Flo".
  • Fort Thomas bluebloods often describe their city as "The Fort".

So what has happened in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills? You know, the city that Martin is running in to the ground? We have learned that many residents of the diminutive dictator's embattled municipality use the derisive tag of "The FUBAR".

For those of you who aren't sure what FUBAR means, ask a WWII combat-and it has to be combat veteran-how he decribes FUBAR. It ain't good.

And we owe it all to malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin.