Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Of Course They Don't Trust Him

The Martin Chronicles reads the Facebook and cincinnati.com comments with interest. These posts reveal a deep mistrust of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. We are told that Martin has announced that he has decided to set aside his radical plan to disband the Villa Hills Police Department and outsource coverage "for the foreseeable future".

Despite the mendacious Martin's pronouncement, the only yellow "Keep Our Villa Hills Police Department" signs that have come down are those that have been stolen. Our sources tell us that the growing efforts to oppose Martin's radical plan are actually going to escalate.

So why don't people trust Martin. Let's look at Martin's track record for some clues:
  • Remember Martin's dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign? Of course you do. Martin wrote that he was "happy" to tell the residents that he wasn't suing them. A former councilman wrote on his alternate reality website that he couldn't understand how anyone could say Martin was suing the residents "with a straight face". Well, that's easy. No less an august body than the United States Supreme Court offered an opinion that clearly proves Martin was suing the residents for $1.505 million. In fact, Martin actually appealed the first dismissal of his lawsuit against the taxpayers. A growing number of people now understand that Martin was lying.
  • During his 2010 dirtbag mayoral campaign, Martin plainly stated that Schutzman Inspection Services would not be providing building and zoning services for the City. Despite that statement, Martin signed Schutzman Inspection Services to a contract to provide, well, uh, er, building and zoning services. What happened a few months later when Martin breached the contract only puts the taxpayers at even greater risk. It is now clear to everyone who is following this story that Martin was lying.
  • Many residents tell us that Martin promised them he planned to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX during his 2010 dirtbag mayoral campaign. What has happened since has clearly demonstrated to those residents and many others that Martin was lying.
  • Martin provided a bogus list of documents he claimed were destroyed in his infamous "records barbecue" of January 2012. He was asked multiple times if his bogus list included all of the records he burned. He said it did. A growing number of people now understand that Martin was lying.
  • Martin falsely claimed that he had never been asked to have a "sit down" with the Special Counsel investigators (that would not have been necessary if Martin hadn't stonewalled city council's questions for month after month). An email trail clearly demonstrated that Martin had indeed been asked by Special Counsel to sit down to clear up all of the questions. Martin's weird response when caught in his deception? "You got me on that one". A growing number of people now understand that Martin was lying.
  • Martin falsely claimed for years that he had no intention of disbanding the Villa Hills Police Department. It was later discovered that Martin has contacted Ft. Mitchell and other agencies to do exactly that. A growing number of people now understand that Martin was lying.
So no wonder a growing number of people simply don't trust anything Martin says. Besides, what does Martin mean by "foreseeable future"? His actions indicate that Martin only tries to lie his way out of the problems immediately in front of his face. He'll worry about lying his way out of tomorrow when it gets here.

It seems tomorrow is here.