Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Milestone Approaching

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher launched a perky little blog on October 8, 2011. Why? To cover the ongoing mischief, mismanagement and corruption of that total stranger to the truth, Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. We have uncovered a tainted treasure trove of Martin's corruption and incompetence and he just keeps bringin' it.

Yes, we know that some people absolutely hate us. They call us "infamous, "vile" and complain the we are "picking on" Martin and other elected officials. But guess what? We're proud of those criticisms. Why? Well, first of all, we know we are touching a legitimate nerve of the venal people who dishonestly promoted Martin. And, we have no use at all for otherwise-good-people trying to defend the indefensible mess that the mendacious Martin has created. Martin is a corrupt boob who has no business destroying the City that was voted "The Best City In Northern Kentucky" just a few months before he was elected. But that is exactly what Martin is doing.

The Martin Chronicles now has a full staff of talented reporters, researchers and sources all over the region. While it may read a bit immodest, we have also pulled the dinosaur media in to the search for the sordid truth about the dishonest Martin. We're proud-and a little saddened-about that fact.

Most importantly, we have attracted a substantial audience who is following our search for the truth. And, we are about to reach another readership milestone. How so? We are about to welcome reader number 150,000. Yes, 150,000 readers have checked out Martin's ongoing malfeasance and mismanagement on our blog.

Not bad for a blog that reports on a City 3.5 square miles in size.