Saturday, August 10, 2013

We Know They Really Love Us

The Martin Chronicles is enjoying the comment section of yesterday's online version of The Kentucky Enquirer front page story almost as much as the story itself. The headline of the story is "Villa Hills, a city divided". Judging by those comments, this is one of the few stories where a Kentucky Enquirer headline is more or less correct.

There are also some tidbits in the article that make us chuckle. Councilman Jim Cahill says that so far as he knows, "nobody's approached anybody" about outsourcing police service. Sure, Mr. Cahill. That is if you don't count the recent admission by Ft. Mitchell's mayor that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin approached him about, er, well, uh, outsourcing police service.

We're also relieved to read that County Judge Steve Arlinghaus will meet with the chiefs of the two departments (Kenton County and Villa Hills) and the mayor (Martin) before any decision is made to charge Villa Hills for the "free" coverage. We do wonder why every other City isn't camping out on Arlinghaus' doorstep asking for their "free" stuff. That may be coming.

We also wonder what Councilman Mary Koenig meant when she said that Martin used "an unfortunate word" when the diminutive dictator sparked the recent conflagration over his radical plan to disband the local PD. What "unfortunate word"? It must have been a real doozy. Koenig assures the readers that Martin "meant well" though. Oh, that is good news.

But back to the comments. We really like $47.50 per hour, crony-hire bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber describing The Martin Chronicles as "infamous". That is pretty cool. But we aren't making fun of you Cordie. We are simply reporting the facts about you. And the facts speak for themselves.

By the way Cordie, your husband isn't being sued because he "dared to speak out". He's being sued because be LIBELED and DEFAMED someone. Big difference.

How bad must things be when some commenters believe the only way to fix the City's problems is to, in effect, dissolve the City through consolidation? Yes, they are that bad right now. But are these commenters saying the problems are beyond fixing? If so, Martin has made a far worse mess of things than even we thought.

Another chap describes The Martin Chronicles as "vile". We kinda like that too. Fortunately, this genius then proceeds to put our web address in his comment. Hence, we are experiencing new records in page views. We have been advised to be careful with this fellow though. Word is that he was once employed by the National Security Agency. But then so was Edward Snowden.

Finally, for all of those people who bitterly complain about the negative publicity Villa Hills continues to receive, perhaps they should consider the root cause. Then remember that root cause can be removed on November 4, 2014.

Let's hope it won't be too late.

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