Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Take

The Martin Chronicles watched last night's Villa Hills City Council meeting. What did we all see? More of the same from malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Martin continues to operate in a way that he himself would have found completely unacceptable when he served as a member of council.

First of all, a vote to approve changes to the City's personnel policy manual had to be delayed. Why? Well, council people did not receive answers to questions they had about those proposed changes until a few hours before they were expected to vote to approve them.

To be fair, we aren't sure how long Martin and his taxpayer-funded entourage were sitting on those questions. But even if it was only one day, we know that "Councilman" Martin would have complained bitterly if asked to vote on an issue where he was only given a few hours to digest the information. Martin is fortunate that the council members who forced the delay were extremely gentle with the diminutive dictator. The always-grandstanding Martin would not have been so gentle if the roles were reversed.

We also found the "lecture" from Martin and Councilwoman Koenig about not displaying "Keep OUR Villa Hills Police Department" signs in "right-of-ways" hypocritical. We agree the all yard signs should be place in accordance with City regulations. But the City is not setting a good example. How so? Signs promoting the "City-Wide Yard Sale" can be found in right-of-ways" all over Villa Hills.

Perhaps the City is exempt from obeying its own rules. The events of the past thirty-two months certainly prove that Martin believes the rules do not apply to him.

But why not set a good example?

More on last night's meeting to come.