Monday, August 26, 2013

More Bad Judgment?

The Martin Chronicles wants to begin by making it abundantly clear that the purpose of this post is not-repeat not-to accuse anyone of any manner of wrongdoing. There has been no suggestion by any of our sources that anyone employed by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has done anything even remotely close to those involving the current problems related to the investigation of the City of Covington's Finance Director.

For those who are not aware, local media has reported that Covington's Finance Director is under investigation for allegedly misappropriating $300,000 over the past three years. The Finance Director has been suspending pending the outcome of a complete investigation.

Now, back to malfeasant Mayor Martin's Villa Hills-a City divided. Martin is paying a friend $47.50 per hour to oversee Villa Hills financial records. One could argue about the wisdom of that. What can't be argued is that Martin took it upon himself to disregard an ironclad clause in the contract the City has with his friend requiring that friend to have Errors & Omissions insurance.

That issue has been raised multiple times. Martin still claims that the bookkeeper is not required to have the insurance, despite the fact that the contract says the bookkeeper must have the insurance. The City Attorney at the time (2011-12) opined that he would not recommend that the bookkeeper perform the contracted duties without the contractually required insurance. Not surprisingly, the mule-headed Martin has never moved off his strange position. Also not surprisingly, Martin has since hired his personal attorney to also serve as the new City Attorney.

Given the potential for "problems", why doesn't Martin enforce the contract and require that the City's bookkeeper have the proper insurance? Why doesn't Martin do everything possible to protect the taxpayers? Does Martin think contractual obligations simply don't apply to him and his friends?

Doesn't the dictatorial Martin see the justifiable questions that his actions raise? Is he just stupid? Is there something more? He recently went so far as to remove a qualified CPA as Chairperson of the City's Finance committee. Many think he did so because she dared to question his actions. Besides, even the new' "golden moment" council has expressed frustration that Martin is playing "keep-a-way" with their finance questions. These "oddities" open the door for even more uncertainty. These are the last things "a City divided" needs right now.

This represents yet another example of-at best-Martin's dreadful judgment. Will the voters send the mismanaging and malfeasant Martin packing once and for all in 435 days?