Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Real Numbers Guy

Mike Pope likes to portray himself as an accounting genius. He's a real "numbers guy". Got a budget problem? Old Mike Pope can fix it. He'll tell you he can train A CHIMP to use QuickBooks in an hour! Need to see a real road plan? Just check out Mike Pope's "other city website"! We don't need no steenkin' $40 license fee. Yeah, when it comes to numbers, Pope considers himself the "go-to guy".

Then Mike Martin was elected mayor. And Mike Pope became the chairman of the finance committee. Now, he is the "go-to" guy. When it comes to city finances, he's the top dog. The head honcho. The big cheese. Numero uno. 

So how's that workin' out? Well, the city council hasn't received a decipherable financial report since Martin took office. Pope assures everyone that he can find "the five things an accountant looks for in these kinds of reports" at every meeting. But the darndest thing. He never tells anyone what those five things are. And, oh yes, he sees no need for council to approve the financial report and bills for payment. Hmmmmmm.

How about this year's budget? Oh, wait. There isn't one. How did that happen? Well, Pope's finance committee never seemed to get one together where the numbers actually, well, uh, you know, added up!So Martin is operating without the constraints of a current budget. Not a comforting thought.

And when exactly was that darn license fee finally repealed? Hold on. Why, it never was! In fact, Martin and Pope wasted tax dollars to have the City Engineer do a road plan to the year 2200. You read that right, 2200! Now Pope says he needs ONE MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR FOR STREETS!!!! How's he gonna get it? BY ASSESSING YOU FOR THE REPAIR OF YOUR STREET!!!!

Finally, Mike Pope: The QuickBooks Trainer Genius. He may want to see if Martin can track down a relative of J. Fred Muggs. Or maybe Bonzo. Perhaps Curious George. Why? Because while Pope professes to be able to train A CHIMP to use QuickBooks, HE'S HAVING ABSOLUTELY NO LUCK AT ALL WITH CORDELIA SCHABER.