Saturday, October 8, 2011

Four Little Words

Mayor Mike Martin is being sued for LIBEL, SLANDER and DEFAMATION. Martin co-defendant Dale Schaber wrote what many believe is a highly libelous and defamatory letter in support of Martin during the last mayoral campaign. Four little words in that letter go a long way to explaining exactly why Mr. Schaber is bobbing in the same bowl of legal soup with Martin. Those words? "It is a fact".

You see, Mr. Schaber wrote that "It is a fact" that the plaintiff - a long-serving employee of the City of Villa Hills - broke the law. What was Schaber trying to accomplish? A reasonable person would conclude that Schaber intentionally wanted to damage the reputation of the now-plaintiff. Is there more? Did Schaber also intentionally want to damage the reputations of anyone associated with that employee? Perhaps more litigation is forthcoming.

Here is the beauty of the jam in which Mr. Schaber currently finds himself. He will be afforded every opportunity to prove his assertions.