Monday, October 10, 2011

A Mediator?

The Martin Chronicles is sure that first-year councilman Jim Noll is a fine fellow. We do, however, think his push to have a mediator work with Mayor Martin and the council is wrong-headed. Why? Because the current problems at city meetings aren't about PROCESS. The problems come from legitimate disagreements about POLICY.

  • Doesn't council have the right to question the mayor's still-inarticulated decision to reduce the size of the police department?
  • Doesn't council have the right to exercise their oversight by reviewing coherent monthly financial statements?
  • Doesn't council have the right to question the mayor's hiring of two new clerks at excessively high rates of pay?
  • Doesn't council have the right to ask why the mayor didn't even bother to interview the four candidates found in a search by the city's Civil Service Commission?
  • Doesn't council have the right to question the mayor's decision to disregard the elements of a contract he himself signed?
There are many more areas of LEGITIMATE disagreement. None of them fall into the realm of mediation.