Friday, October 14, 2011

Pope Keeps Pushing Assessments!

Councilman Mike Pope and Mayor Martin really want to dig into YOUR wallet. And they want to DIG DEEP! Pope re-stated his strong support for assessing residents for repairing their streets at a recent lightly-attended public hearing on Martin's proposed road tax. And as he has done before, Martin sat silent while Pope did the pushing.

Think about what this means to you. You may absolutely hate the dreaded $40 sticker tax. But how many cars are you paying for? Because unless its TEN OR MORE CARS, the Pope/Martin assessment plan is going to cost you more! Maybe a whole lot more.

Pope and Martin now say that they need ONE MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR FOR STREET REPAIR. This despite the fact that Martin DID NO STREET REPAIR THIS YEAR. Let's say somehow they are right about the million dollars.You do the math. There are approximately 2,500 homes in Villa Hills. The average annual cost per household for the Pope/Martin assessments to get to their million dollars will be FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!

That's $400 a year you aren't paying now. But if Martin and Pope get their way YOU WILL!!!