Saturday, September 6, 2014

WEEKENDER: Why Martin Really Can't Work WIth Anyone

The Martin Chronicles entire staff knew "the score" long before we launched our pesky little blog way back on October 8, 2011. Why? Because we had done extensive investigation in to the twisted mind of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin in advance. We came to the conclusion that Martin is a deeply twisted paranoiac very early on.

Some of you may be asking what a paranoiac is. So, we will tell you. Psychiatrists would say that a paranoiac has a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions of grandeur ascribing hostile intentions to others, often linked with a sense of mission.

Well, Boy Howdy, doesn't that sound like someone we know all too well:
  • How about a lowbrow unlicensed handyman lawbreaker who was caught red-handed FORGING his deceased mother's name on his deceased mother's checks, cashing them and pocketing the proceeds ascribing his misfortune for his judicially-verified crime of FORGERY to "dark forces who were out to get him?"
  • How about a pissant potentate who routinely ends any serious discussion about the wisdom of his incredulous intentions by saying, "I'm the CEO. It's my decision. You need to deal with it. We're moving on?" 
  • How about a lunatic who is CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY who assigns all of the blame for his his crimes to a City Council who "won't work with him"?
  • How about a deceitful dictator who has now proven he really can't work with anyone. After promising to work with everyone on council during his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign, he immediately went to war with that council in January 2011. Then he flim-flammed the voters in 2012. claiming that all he needed was "a new council" and he could really show what he is capable of. He received six new councilmembers, but has never really tried to work with them. In a telling way, that clearly did show what Martin is capable of. It has been so very bad that the three best members of his once-"golden moment" council decided to simply walk away at the end of this year.
Like most sociopaths, the maniacal Martin is a tremendous con man. He seems able to convince people that he only cares about them. This while he spends their money at an alarming rate on lawyers and lawsuits and issues twenty-thousand dollar taxpayer-funded checks to himself.
  • To those who despised the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX, he soothingly vowed to repeal it. Not only is the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX still being collected, Martin also raised the SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX BY FIFTY PER CENT.
  • To those concerned about crime, Martin cunningly claimed that safety was his first priority. The diminutive deceiver then began to dismantle the local police department immediately after his election.
  • To those who worried about their neighbor's cats, tall grass, high bushes, yada, yada yada, Martin cleverly pledged to put those issues at the top of his list. Instead, he focused his time spending taxpayer money to hire all of his friends and cronies.

Don't worry. Martin will have a lie to tell for everything. He'll vow that his next few years will be better. He'll keep his fingers double-crossed, assuming you will fall for it once again.

Why so serious?