Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Civic Club Crack Up

The Martin Chronicles has heard the buzz all over town. People are absolutely astonished by the harsh treatment a guest received at the Villa Hills Civic Directors meeting the other night. The guest simply attended the meeting to inform the Civic Club that the Sensible Citizens Group was sponsoring two Town Hall meetings for mayoral and council candidates to make their case for election.

That simple announcement was greeted with bitter complaining from the civic club ass clowns that the Sensible Citizens group was "highly politicized" and very falsely charged the group had been formed by former councilmembers who were still out to get their beloved malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Talk about the perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

It is a fact that the last two so-called "Candidate Forums" sponsored by the Villa Hills Civic Club (in 2010 and 2012) were highly politicized put-up jobs designed to do nothing more than prop up their corrupt and incompetent pal Mike Martin. The 2012 fiasco was a raucous redneck roundup that was so nasty that some of the then-incumbent councilmembers who had the courage to stand up to Martin's lawlessness literally feared for their safety. We know this to be true because we were there to witness Martin's hillbilly lynchmob in action.

Besides, how can any reasonable person buy in to this un-American idea foisted by Martin's good old boy goon squad that former councilmembers have no right to speak their mind about what's happening in their own community? Using the civic club asshats own twisted line of illogic, their hero Mike Martin should have faded in to the obscurity in which he so richly belongs after losing his council re-election bid in 2008. Come to think of it, how much better off would Villa Hills be now if that had happened? A damn sight better off.

Should previous council members be banished to the Isle of Elba like Napoleon? Perhaps the asshats think these former council members should be sent to the Gulag Archipelago like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn? What in the wide, wide world of sports is wrong with this gaggle of civic club nitwits, anyway?

They are completely disgraceful and too stupid to know it.