Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Random Observations On The Villa Hills' 2014 Campaign

The Martin Chronicles entire staff met on Tuesday evening to discuss our strategy for covering the remaining 33 days of the tumultuous election campaign in current, malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's troubled Villa Hills. Our beloved publisher-who is definitely not a misogynist-served everyone a delicious feast of bacon-wrapped filet mignon, butter-dipped lobster, baked beans, cheese-covered asparagus, steamed brussels sprouts, Johnny Marzetti, loaded baked potatoes, overflowing salad with virtually any dressing the reporters and staff desired and a delicious dessert of cherry-covered cheesecake and pumpkin pie.

Why? Because our beloved publisher understands that his reporters are far more open after they have eaten a delicious meal.

Well, that was a good decision. Again, why? Because the conversation really began to roll.

Our reporters and staff debated several good questions. It was great to see such engagement amongst people that are working so very hard to cover the less-than-five-weeks of an election campaign that just might decide the final fate of Villa Hills.

Here are the highlights. mostly focusing around the four-way mayoral race:
  • Does former Covington Mayor Irvin Callery-who, according to the civic club ass clowns moved to Villa Hills to "straighten out" the embarrassed burg-understand how much people don't care a hoot in hell what he supposedly did in Covington all those years ago? Villa Hills incorporated as a city in 1962 because they did not want to become part of Covington, after all. Then there is that Former Covington Finance Director Bob Due's embezzlement of several hundred thousand dollars of taxpayer money under Irvin Callery's watch to contend with.
  • Does homegrown, former president of the Villa Hills Civic Club Ernie Brown -who risked his personal reputation recovering well more than $150,000  that other officers of that crazy club stole-realize that he doesn't need to in-any-way shy away from questions about the former leadership of the Villa Hills Police Department? Hell, reasonable people fully realize that current malevolent Mayor Mike Martin publicly-and expensively-screwed the former leadership of the local PD. Mr. Brown, take it head on. There is no more popular living person in Villa Hills than the screwed-by-Martin former Police Chief Dan Goodenough. All because Martin was pissed off about his judicially-justified FORGERY ARREST.
  • Does the mallet-headed malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin realize that reasonable people no longer believe anything he says? According to members of his own Finance Committee, the city's spending records are almost an irretrievable mess that will require great taxpayer-funded expense to fix. Plus, people in Prospect Point are now profoundly upset that the diminutive dictator described their community as "substandard" and the fact that his dishonest son-in-law Joe misrepresented himself as living in The Lofts-despite the fact that he doesn't even live in Villa Hills just so he could dishonestly do a "scouting report" for his law-breaking father-in-law.
  • Does also-ran mayoral candidate Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour realize that virtually everyone left the Prospect Point event before she spoke? Why? Because they know that vile ancient crocodile Mary Koenig persuaded Holly to commit political suicide just to get the moribund Martin reelected. What a joke. Holly, they even turned off your microphone because you were left talking to about seven people. By the way, a "garage sale" is the same damn thing as a "yard sale".
The election countdown clock in the foyer of The Martin Chronicles is winding down. Sure, we know we are pissing off the Martin Ghoul-Aid drinkers and the opinionated haters.

But, you know, we don't give a tinkers dam.

They Just Can't Tell The Truth

The Martin Chronicles has learned that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's son-in-law Joe attended last night's candidate event at Prospect Point. Sure, we know the whiners and haters will say, "So what".

Well, here is the "so what". Last night's event was only for the residents of Prospect Point.

Oh, it gets worse. Martin's son-in-law was asked where he lives. What did Joe say? He said he lives in The Lofts (the apartments back in the Prospect Point community). Not surprisingly, that is a bold-faced lie.

Joe doesn't live in The Lofts. Joe doesn't live in the Prospect Point community. Hell, Joe doesn't even live in Villa Hills. He was just there developing a "scouting report" for his lawbreaker father-in-law.

If you want four more years of dishonesty, you know who to vote for. If you think Villa Hills needs homegrown, solid leadership, you know what to do.

The election is now less than 5 weeks away.

Write-Ins Coming?

The Martin Chronicles is hearing (odd?) rumors about potential new write-in candidates in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's troubled Villa Hills. As the story goes, two mayors from other cities have been encouraged by former Covington Mayor Irvin Callery's run.

These (interesting?) sources tell us that Springfield's Diamond Joe Quimby and Lucy Lou of Rabbit Hash fame have both established residence in Villa Hills as a prelude to a run for the mismanaging Martin's seat.

Why not? Diamond Joe is certainly far less corrupt than the mendacious Martin. And Lucy Lou? She is clearly far smarter than the mallet-headed Martin.

For those of our readers who like us, you understand that we occasionally require a break from the grim reality of Martin's last four, dreadful years in office. Yes, we understand that these rumors are most likely false. But, you can never be sure.

For those of our readers who don't like us and will most likely wet their pants, throw a hissy fit and call us vile and disgusting on some social network, you desperately need to get a life.

We are working on several new-far more serious reports.

We Got Questions

The Martin Chronicles has obviously been covering the local election campaign in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills very closely. Despite our large staff of reporters and even larger network of sources, a few things don't seem to make sense.
  1. Why did the misdirecting Martin seem so skittish at last night's candidate event graciously hosted by the folks at Prospect Point?
  2. Why does Irvin Callery harp about the need for better transparency with the city's financial records? While his sentiment is 100% correct, doesn't the former mayor of Covington open himself up to push back about former Covington Finance Director Bob Due's embezzlement?
  3. Why is the mismanaging Martin mishandling his way in to yet another taxpayer-funded lawsuit over the shoddy-at-best condition of the new sidewalks on Collins Road with less than five weeks until the voting begins?
  4. What do coyotes have to do with The Martin Chronicles?
Never discouraged, we will continue to work to solve these mysteries and much more as the clock winds down until November 4.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Do YOU Really Want Four More Years Of THIS?

The Martin Chronicles is watching the days fly by towards the November 4 election in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's troubled Villa Hills. The campaign is really heating up. All of the candidates are now out making their case to the voters. In the mendacious Martin's case, he is telling his usual pack of despicable lies.

Many people-but not all-now see through Martin's abject deceit. Sources tell us that a significant number of residents have told Martin, "Thanks. But no thanks."

Where do you stand? Have you come to the correct conclusion that it really does matter who sits in your city's mayor's office? Because the last four years of conflict and embarrassment have decisively proven that it most certainly does.

Before you vote on November 4, you need to clearly understand these things:
  • Martin was lying to you in 2010 when he told you that his Constitutional rights were violated by the Villa Hills Police and that he was a victim of dark forces trying to derail his self-proclaimed "good government" zealotry. How do we know this? Because four respected appellate judges have decisively ruled that the behavior that led to Martin's late 2007 arrest "FIT THE VERY DEFINITION OF FORGERY".
  • Martin was lying to you in 2010 when he proclaimed that he was "happy to tell you that he isn't suing the taxpayers of Villa Hills". How do we know this? Because no less an august deliberative judicial body than the United States Supreme Court has twice opined that MARTIN WAS SUING THE TAXPAYERS OF VILLA HILLS FOR 1.505 MILLION DOLLARS.
  • Martin was lying to you in 2010 when he promised to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and find all of the funds for street repair in the existing city budget. Not only are you still paying the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX-thanks to Martin-you are now paying HIGHER PROPERTY TAXES and nearly FIFTY PER CENT MORE FOR YOUR SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX. Progressive's Flo and the GEICO Gecko didn't necessarily raise your auto premium. Martin may have done that to you.
  • Martin was lying to you when he promised to "restore honesty and integrity to the mayor's office (that our investigation proved was already there before he took office).
  • Martin (and his hateful hillbilly lynchmob) were LYING when they said all the miniature mullah needed was a new city council in 2012. The last two years have been even worse-AND MORE COSTLY TO THE TAXPAYERS-than the first two years. And, brothers and sisters, that is really saying something.
Do you want to know why?:
  • Martin MISUSED TAXPAYER DOLLARS to hire his UNQUALIFIED CRONY CORDELIA SCHABER, PAYING HER $47.50 OF TAXPAYER MONEY. Why? To foul-up the city's financial records so no one would immediately discern MARTIN'S TERRIBLE WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY FOR HIS PERSONAL GAIN.
  • Martin was caught red-handed misusing city personnel and resources by the Villa Hills Ethics Board, who slapped him with a "confidential" reprimand for those CORRUPT activities.
  • Martin lied to the City Council and to you multiple times when he said that the list of all the city records he ILLEGALLY DESTROYED was "complete".
  • Martin was given a DIRECT WARNING from a respected judge from her bench to STOP HIS ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS.
  • Martin used your money to hire his personal attorney to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED City Attorney.
  • Martin was caught lying to you when the slip of his own tangled tongue inadvertently REVEALED HIS LONG-TIME PLAN TO DISBAND THE VILLA HILLS POLICE DEPARTMENT.
  • Martin was lying to you when he told you-through numerous televised media reports-that former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was "just taking a few days off". We now know that when Martin was telling these TERRIBLE LIES to the media only after he and his personal attorney-who he hired to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ATTORNEY-had already met with Goodenough. Martin and his TAXPAYER-FUNDED PERSONAL ATTORNEY had already warned Goodenough that the former Police Chief had to resign or face a trumped-up public embarrassment. You know what happened after that.
Despite the profoundly stupid woman (yes, we know that this spot-on description of the truly profoundly stupid woman will get the opinionated haters fired-up) who once took to a podium to proclaim that "this mayor (Martin) does great things for people", we now know that Martin is a sociopathic liar. Martin is a mean-spirited little bastard who only wanted control of the TAXPAYER-FUNDED TREASURY to finish his nasty vendetta against everyone he INCORRECTLY blamed for HIS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT 2007 FORGERY ARREST.

Let's face it. We now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the diminutive dictator should be sitting in a jail cell instead of the mayor's office. (Despite what the profoundly stupid woman proclaimed) when Martin was caught in his LIE about desiring to DISBAND THE LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT.

Do you want four more years of Martin's LAWBREAKING? Do you want four more years of Martin's EMBARRASSMENT? Do you want four more years of the diminutive dictator's ABJECT DECEIT? Do you really think this lying little bastard is worthy of another four years in office?

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.

SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT: Vote For Me, But I Won't Tell You Why

The Martin Chronicles can't help but be amused by jack-wagon, local candidates like Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin, Mayor-wannabe Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour and illiterate ("partician"?) lunatic Dave Hilgeford. These clowns do want Villa Hills residents to vote for them. But, they don't want to stand before those same residents to answer any questions about what they hope to accomplish with the residents' tax money.

A reasonable person can certainly conclude that these gutless cowards-as well as the rest of Mary Koenig's ticket-know they have something to hide. It's obvious what Martin has to hide. That little liar is an incompetent crook. The last four years have betrayed that as a fact.
We suspect the pernicious pinhead has simply decided to keep his mouth shut and hope the voters are as clueless now as they were in 2010. We'll see soon enough.

We can also guess that Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour is just coherent enough to realize she would not perform well on her feet fielding questions from residents. Civic Club ass clowns have been inadvertently telling our snitches they have all learned that Menninger-Isenhour performs at least a tiny bit better on her back.

But what about the illiterate lunatic Dave Hilgeford? What does that fat bastard have to hide? And what the hell is a "patrician"?

Oh, we suspect that Martin sycophants Summer Berger and the mysterious Jennifer Vaden will also excuse themselves from the Sensible Citizen Town Hall candidate meeting. Why? Because these two vapid vessels of Martin's hatred do not appear to have minds of their own.

Rest assured that there is indisputable evidence that some people still support the crooked Martin and his good-old-boy goon squad. How do we know that? Because there are a smattering of folks who are displaying Martin's campaign signs in their yard.

Why are these folks being fooled yet again? Well, some are Martin Ghoul-Aid drinkers. Some are just incredibly stupid haters. A few are so insecure that they are unwilling to admit that they made a dreadful mistake in 2010. And so it goes.

That's okay. America is one of the few countries on planet Earth that forgivingly accepts abject stupidity and misplaced hatred-at least until Sharia Law is imposed.

Villa Hills' "make or break" local election is now only 36 days away.

Friday, September 26, 2014

MORE BREAKING NEWS: The Lunatic Hilgeford Also Cuts And Runs

The Martin Chronicles has learned that Martin-sycophant, the lunatic Dave Hilgeford has backed out on his prior commitment to attend the Sensible Citizens Town Hall candidate meeting. What is that crazy, fat bastard afraid of?

The lunatic Hilgeford's lame excuse is that people he "knows and trusts" have told him that the Sensible Citizens is a "partician" group. We guess the crazy, fat bastard means like the civic club assclowns are "partician"?

We'll get back to you as soon as we find out what the hell "partician" means.

BREAKING NEWS: Gutless Martin Will NOT Attend Town Hall Candidate Meeting

The Martin Chronicles has learned that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has "declined" to participate in the Sensible Citizens Town Hall Candidate meeting in October. What a gutless choice coming from the little weasel who campaigned in 2010 falsely claiming he was a huge believer in "transparency".
  • Is he too afraid to explain his spending of more than $500,000 on lawyers and legal fees?
  • Is he too afraid to explain why he lied to the residents of Villa Hills when he told them that former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was just taking a few days off?
  • Is he too afraid to explain why he walked away from his solemn promise to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX?
  • Is he too afraid to explain why he signed a purchase order that put more than $23,000 in his own pocket?
  • Is he too afraid to explain why he was convicted on seven of nine counts of official misconduct and neglect of duty?
Yes, we think he is. And we think Martin is afraid of much more. But we also know that Martin realizes that the Sensible Citizen Town Hall will be a fair and unbiased event. Martin realizes that he won't have the luxury of having the civic club ass clowns and his dishonest family turning the event into a civic club-style redneck round-up spinning everything in his favor.
Is this dishonesty really what people want?

WEEKENDER: For Our Many Readers, New And Old, PART TWO

The Martin Chronicles has just passed another milestone. We just welcomed our 260,000th visitor. We understand that the primary reason for those surging visits is the upcoming election in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's troubled Villa Hills.

Come Monday, that election will be a mere 35 days away. The Martin Chronicles hopes that a good number of voters are coming to understand that-despite the loony pronouncement made by Martin die-hards-the last four years have not been an example of Villa Hills "moving forward".

Our newer readers have to prepare themselves for the final stages of this election campaign. The misdirecting Martin is falsely telling people that he is spending less money.
Yes, Martin is lying. But, let's do something dangerous and take the little liar at his word. Let's pretend Martin is spending less money.

The Martin Chronicles has long-maintained that the issue isn't how much money is being spent. We believe-as a growing number of residents believe-that the issue is the items for which the malevolent and mismanaging Martin has been wasting taxpayer money.

No reasonable person can believe that spending more than $500,000 for lawyer and legal actions in a town the size of Villa Hills is a proper use of taxpayer money. Nor can reasonable people believe that this represents an example of Villa Hills "moving forward".

No reasonable person can believe the taxpayer money Martin has spent hiring his personal attorney to serve as the City Attorney can be justified. Nor can any reasonable person believe that this represents an example of Villa Hills "moving forward".

No reasonable person can believe that Martin signing a purchase order that put more than $23,000 of taxpayer money in his own pocket is an example of either "truth" or "integrity". Nor can reasonable people believe that this represents an example of Villa Hills "moving forward".

No reasonable person can believe that Martin's waste of more than $12,000 on a park almost no resident even knows exists is a justifiable use of taxpayer money. Nor can any reasonable person believe that this represents an example of Villa Hills "moving forward".

This is especially true when you consider Martin's decimation of the local police department, the fact that no roadwork has been done under Martin's dreadful tenure and that taxes have risen significantly since Martin took office on January 1, 2011. Bad, bad, bad.

Martin's single "accomplishment"? The tiny tyrant has virtually completed his vicious vendetta against all the fine people he incorrectly blame for his judicially-justified 2007 FORGERY ARREST. Shame on however many residents believe that taxpayer-funded atrocity is an example of Villa Hills "moving forward".

November 4 is a day of decision for the voters of Villa Hills. We hope our surging readership is a sign that the voters are doing their homework this time.

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


The Martin Chronicles is listening to the Villa Hills rumor mill. What's the latest? A concern that there is a "partisan effort" designed to keep certain mayoral and council candidates from participating in the upcoming "Town Hall" events being held by the Sensible Citizens group.

Why would that happen? We'll, perhaps those behind such an alleged effort believe that the "Town Hall" events sponsored by the Sensible Citizens group would be the same kind of disgraceful "rig jobs" that the Villa Hills Civic Club has held over the past few election cycles.

But that would be a misplaced fear. Our reporters have attended Sensible Citizens group meetings. And they are, well, sensible.

It is far more likely that those behind such an alleged effort simply don't want the voters to see how terrible certain candidates truly are. They do not want to risk these candidates putting their "shortcomings" on full display before the November 4 election. That makes far more sense to us.

The voting starts in just 39 days.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

For Our Many Readers, New And Old PART ONE

The Martin Chronicles is a big believer in the old expression, "make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold". First and foremost we deeply appreciate the large cadre of readers who have followed our coverage of the disgraceful, malfeasant Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin from our launch on October 8, 2011.

These readers saw the facts we have presented about the deceitful dictator and concluded long ago that the misdirecting Martin is completely devoid of honesty and integrity. We thank you for supporting us through all of it.

When Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kerns) wasted huge sums of Villa Hills taxpayer money grilling witnesses at former Police Chief Dan Goodenough's March railroading if: A. They write The Martin Chronicles; B. Know who writes The Martin Chronicles and; C. Have they ever provided information to The Martin Chronicles, it was a disgusting, un-American attack on Constitutionally-guaranteed Free Speech rights and an ISIS-like assault on our readers.

When the opinionated haters call The Martin Chronicles "vile and disgusting", they are also calling our loyal readers "vile and disgusting". Why? Simply because-just like The Martin Chronicles-our loyal readers just want to know the truth about the opinionated haters' hero, Mike Martin.

When the vile, ancient crocodile Councilhag Mary Koenig launches in to a hateful diatribe, first announcing that she never reads The Martin Chronicles and then-just one sentence later-blathers that we all read The Martin Chronicles, we know we're inside the heads of all of Martin's good old boy goon squad. This good old boy goon squad is no different than run-of-the-mill cockroaches who scurry from the light.

"Keep Moving The City Forward"? Yeah, sure. Delusional dolts.

Just 40 days until Election Day.

Monday, September 22, 2014

This Is "Moving Forward"?

The Martin Chronicles understands that it takes all kinds of people to make a world. We also firmly believe that absolutely everyone has a right to their opinion-no matter how indefensible their opinion may be.

Our reporters saw a funny sign on Saturday promoting the vile, ancient Councilwoman Mary Koenig's slate of Villa Hills' candidates for November. The heading? "Keep Moving The City Forward"-a Koenig expression that makes us want to throw up in our mouths.

In all seriousness, we are quite confident that almost all reasonable people understand that saying "Keep Moving The City Forward" simply doesn't square with the incredible corruption and incompetence exhibited by incumbent malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Martin's last first four years of scandal followed by embarrassment by more scandal followed by more embarrassment followed by even greater scandal followed by even greater embarrassment followed by escalating scandal followed by escalating embarrassment followed by an explosion of scandal followed by explosion of embarrassment, followed by a supernova of scandal followed by a supernova of embarrassment. You get the picture.

The election is now only 41 days away. Voters need to be mindful that Koenig is lying to them when she says the city is "moving forward". Her hand-picked candidates include Martin sycophants Vaden, Berger and Wischer as well as the lunatic Hilfgeford. Not good. Not good at all.

Simple math tells us that some of these wingnuts are going to be elected. There are only four other candidates on the ballot besides the aforementioned, pathetic pinheads. But voters have to limit the damage they can cause in 2015 and 2016. Otherwise, there will be more scandal and embarrassment to come.

Villa Hills needs a new mayor and a better city council than what the vile Koenig is offering.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We have to say we are very pleased by all of the new readers that are visiting us every single day. Welcome, and please pay attention. There is a great deal at stake for you and your city.]

Sunday, September 21, 2014

SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT: More Tidbits From "The Trail"

The Martin Chronicles reporters were out in full force on the streets of Villa Hills on a beautiful Saturday. Why? Because the "city wide yard sale" was underway. We thought it would be a great time to take the pulse of the voters with barely seven weeks remaining until Election Day. It most certainly was.

Yes, traffic was a mess as gawkers slowly meandered through the city looking to convert someone else's trash in to their treasure. But our travels were worth the effort.

First: we saw numerous people wearing "Ernie Brown for Mayor" tee shirts. For those who want to finally wake up from the nightmare of the previous four years, that was a great sign. While we score Mr. Brown as a slight favorite in the mayor's race, we have always believed that a Brown victory will require a nearly-Herculean effort. It looks like that effort is now fully underway.

Second: we overheard numerous comments about the corrupt and incompetent incumbent Martin:
  • "How can Martin hire his personal attorney to work as the city attorney? Now we have to pay him. That stinks!"
  • "More than a HALF MILLION DOLLARS for legal expenses?!?!? What's wrong with Martin? Is he nuts?"
  • "Dan Goodenough did not deserve to be treated that way by that scumbag (Martin). That was the end for me."
  • "Martin is a LIAR."
  • "Martin sucks."
  • "Martin absolutely sucks."
  • "Martin can't suck enough."

You get the picture. The feedback we have been receiving for the last few weeks indicates the miscreant Martin is getting the same picture as well.

Third: Sources inside the civic club report that that the usual suspects we call the "assclowns" and "asshats" are beginning to sing a different tune about their hero Martin. Yes, we also find it hard to believe. Some on the civic club board of directors were caught planning a hateful hatchet job against any Martin opponents just a few months ago, after all.

So what have we heard? Well, the most notorious asshats are saying, "Irvin Callery moved to Villa Hills to straighten things out". Could it be? Is it possible? Are some of these assclowns finally recognizing the fact that Martin has made such a mess of things that the city government does need to be "straightened out"?

We'll know in about seven weeks.

Friday, September 19, 2014

WEEKENDER: He Didn't Understand The Questions?

The Martin Chronicles understands that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is dumber than a broken cinder block. We also realize that the misdirecting Martin is dirtier than cartwheel grease. But, we still have to admit that we were shocked when we learned that Martin sent a message-delivered by one of the members of his good old boy goon squad-that he "didn't understand some of the questions" the Sensible Citizens group is expecting all candidates to answer at their upcoming Town Hall meetings.

We secured a copy of the readily-available questions the Sensible Citizens have proposed. They don't involve any higher math. They don't involve biology, chemistry or physics. The questions involve basic concepts that a first year political science major could easily formulate answers to. So, shouldn't someone who has served two (albeit, undistinguished) terms on city council and one dreadful term as mayor be able to understand and answer the questions. The obvious answer is "yes".  

The questions revolve around seven basic topics:
  1. Long term plans for the city
  2. The City Budget
  3. Management of City Employees
  4. Public Safety
  5. Ethics
  6. Roads
  7. Forms of City Government
Are we telling you a mayor said they didn't understand some of these questions? Well, yes we are. Why? Because it is a fact that Martin said so.

Oh, it gets worse. We have learned that the mismanaging Martin actually layered more unnecessary legal expense on to the already outrageous, more-than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS the little liar has already squandered. How, by asking his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kerns) if Villa Hills could change to a mayor-commission form of City Government.

Martin alleges that his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kerns) offered the-to be polite-interesting opinion that Cities of the Fourth Class like Villa Hills cannot form a mayor-commission form of City Government. Oh, really? Is that a fact? You don't say?

Martin could have finally saved some taxpayer money by doing a simple internet search. The dictatorial doofus would have discovered that nearby Taylor Mill-a City of the Fourth Class-currently employs a mayor-commission form of City Government.

Come Monday, it will be a mere 42 days until the election.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Civic Club Crack Up

The Martin Chronicles has heard the buzz all over town. People are absolutely astonished by the harsh treatment a guest received at the Villa Hills Civic Directors meeting the other night. The guest simply attended the meeting to inform the Civic Club that the Sensible Citizens Group was sponsoring two Town Hall meetings for mayoral and council candidates to make their case for election.

That simple announcement was greeted with bitter complaining from the civic club ass clowns that the Sensible Citizens group was "highly politicized" and very falsely charged the group had been formed by former councilmembers who were still out to get their beloved malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Talk about the perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

It is a fact that the last two so-called "Candidate Forums" sponsored by the Villa Hills Civic Club (in 2010 and 2012) were highly politicized put-up jobs designed to do nothing more than prop up their corrupt and incompetent pal Mike Martin. The 2012 fiasco was a raucous redneck roundup that was so nasty that some of the then-incumbent councilmembers who had the courage to stand up to Martin's lawlessness literally feared for their safety. We know this to be true because we were there to witness Martin's hillbilly lynchmob in action.

Besides, how can any reasonable person buy in to this un-American idea foisted by Martin's good old boy goon squad that former councilmembers have no right to speak their mind about what's happening in their own community? Using the civic club asshats own twisted line of illogic, their hero Mike Martin should have faded in to the obscurity in which he so richly belongs after losing his council re-election bid in 2008. Come to think of it, how much better off would Villa Hills be now if that had happened? A damn sight better off.

Should previous council members be banished to the Isle of Elba like Napoleon? Perhaps the asshats think these former council members should be sent to the Gulag Archipelago like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn? What in the wide, wide world of sports is wrong with this gaggle of civic club nitwits, anyway?

They are completely disgraceful and too stupid to know it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


The Martin Chronicles wants fans of honest, competent government to understand that the elections in Villa Hills are still far from decided. We won't know for sure who the next mayor and council members will be until around 7PM or so on the evening of Tuesday, November 4. A whole lot can-and most certainly will-happen over the next 47 days.

We've already had one of the ten council candidates take himself out of the race. We know that current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has only begun to sling mud. We also know that- despite all of the corruption and mismanagement of the past four years-many potential voters remain unconvinced that the results of the coming election really matter.

There are also some-as-yet-undetermined-percentage of voters who still believe that the fraudulent and feckless Martin has done a good job. As Robert Ripley would say, "Believe it or not".

No amount of convictions for official misconduct and neglect of duty, reprimands from the Villa Hills Ethics Board, official warnings from respected judges to cease and desist illegal destruction of City records, endless streams of lawsuits, money skimming, cronyism and lies will change the views of Martin's mind-numbed robots and young skulls full of mush. Never underestimate the power of what unclogging a toilet and a few publicity-stunt trips to Haiti can do for an otherwise undeserving candidate.

Despite the fact that Martin is a dense, dishonest and hateful little troll, he still has a chance to win. A few double-agent Martin insiders explained to us the diminutive plan for victory in less than seven weeks. Again, despite the fact that the tiny tyrant is too stupid to realize it, he has actually "one-upped" former Bill Clinton political advisor Dick Morris' now-famous, successful Clinton 1996 reelection plan now known as "triangulation".

We'll use a term to describe Martin's reelection plan that is far beyond the miniature mullah's ability to comprehend. We'll call it "quadrangulation" (For the uninitiated, "quad" is another term for the number four.

Here is how the meager-minded Martin plans to threat the needle to earn reelection. The little liar is absolutely banking on the two best mayoral candidates (Ernie Brown and Irvin Callery) almost equally dividing the votes of the reasonable people in Villa Hills. That takes care of neutralizing about half the votes in Villa Hills.

Then, Martin plans to spend some time bashing the hapless fourth candidate, Holly B. Menninger Isenhour. Why? To prevent her from sucking off enough of his potential voters to cost him his coveted seat in the mayor's office. Sure, Menninger-Isenhour is most certainly going to suck off a good number of potential Martin supporters. But it just might not be enough.

The double agent insiders tell us Martin sees November 4's election results something like this:

Mike Martin: 28%
Ernie Brown: 26%
Irvin Callery: 24%
Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour: 22%
Here's a very stern warning to the reasonable people of Villa Hills. Don't think it can't happen. Because it can. If the reasonable people of Villa Hills want to finally put an end to the nightmare that has been Martin's last four years in office, they cannot play in to his hand.
Here's another very stern warning to the two best mayoral candidates. One of the two of you has to break through Martin's bu!!$#it. That is going to require a great deal of effort. You cannot assume that the people of Villa Hills understand what a mess Martin has made. You have to campaign hard from now through the close of the polls on November 4.
It won't be easy.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Jennifer Yost Vaden, Part One

The Martin Chronicles suspected it. We were hoping against hope. But we had that feeling. And we were right. As we have reported, many people have been asking, "who is Jennifer Vaden?"

Well, a picture of who Jennifer Vaden is has begun to take shape. We will tell you that a search of the Kentucky Secretary of State website has revealed some disturbing information about some of Jennifer Vaden's previous "business ventures". But, we will not reveal that information until we have thoroughly worked our sources in Frankfort.

But we do have those dang social network posts. People should be more careful what they write. Why? Because those posts are out there to be found forever.

Here is a social network post written by Jennifer (Yost) Vaden back during the October 2012 removal hearing for Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin: "Ms. Ballman, you are correct!! This is a massive witch hunt!! I am one of the 75% for Mayor Martin!! Brothers and Sisters, this is very problematic with the election now only seven weeks away.

Here's why:
  • Anyone who thinks much of what "Ms. Ballman" says is anything other than a mindless parroting of Martin's paranoid denial of reality betrays an incredible lack of independent judgment.
  • Anyone who thinks that most reasonable people still believe Martin's removal hearing was a "witch hunt" chooses to ignore the fact that the miscreant Martin was CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY. Thankfully outgoing Kenton County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus learned the very hard way how electorally dangerous it is to call Martin's rightful conviction a "witch hunt".
  • Anyone who thinks that the mendacious Martin ever had the support of "75%" of Villa Hills' voting public is-to be polite-wacky. The mallet-headed Martin was elected by a razor-thin majority in the sleepy Villa Hills of 2010 by telling a mountain of now-proven lies. His support has done nothing but decline ever since.
There is only one reason the miniature-mullah Martin wasn't swept away in the tidal wave that was 2012. That is? The little bastard wasn't on the ballot.

Does Villa Hills really need an evidently-mindless Martin sycophant like Jennifer (Yost) Vaden on their City Council? The answer isn't "no". The answer is "HELL NO".

49 days and counting.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT: Candidate Town Meetings Coming

The Martin Chronicles has learned that the Sensible Citizens group is going to host two town meetings in Villa Madonna Academy's theater. Why? In order to allow residents to see Villa Hills city council and mayoral candidates lay out their plans to restore some semblance of dignity, honesty, integrity and competency to City Government. We applaud the Sensible Citizens group for this important effort.

As we understand it, the ten candidates vying for a seat on the city council will go first, on Tuesday, October 14. That town hall meeting is scheduled to begin at 7PM. The order of the council candidate presentations will be set by a random drawing.

Then-again, as we understand it-the four mayoral candidates will have their opportunity to lay out their vision for the future of Villa Hills on Thursday, October 16. This town hall meeting will also begin at 7PM and the order of the mayoral candidate presentations will also be set by a random drawing.

The Martin Chronicles believes the Sensible Citizens group deserves a great deal of credit for their efforts. They have had to endure the social networking haters' unfair assaults on their validity. Martin and his good old boy goon squad have made an underhanded effort to question the group's motives. But they continue to do what's right.

In just a little more than a mere 49 days, the voters of Villa Hills have some important votes to cast. We certainly hope that a good number of them have finally realized how important their local government truly is to their day-to-day lives. 

We won't know that for sure until they begin counting the ballots on November 4.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

WEEKENDER: Mayoral Campaign News And Notes

The Martin Chronicles staff has been working its many sources as Campaign '14 in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills begins to pick up the pace. Sunday, September 14 marks V-minus 50 days and counting until the November 4 election.

Irvin Callery has obviously begun to campaign for the mayor's office. He is the first mayoral candidate to begin to place yard signs. So what if they are signs recycled from his Covington campaigns? A yard sign is a yard sign. At least the former Covington mayor and relative newcomer to Villa Hills is campaigning.

We are also hearing that current miscreant Mayor Mike Martin is running in to-to be polite-"strong headwinds" as he hits the campaign trail. Many of the mostly-inattentive folks who thought, "Aw, let's give the little guy a chance" in 2010 have finally come to understand that Martin is completely incapable of telling the truth.

Given the mess the tiny tyrant has made of his first four years, even if the mendacious Martin could tell the truth, the facts don't allow him to:
  • A "confidential" REPRIMAND from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for misuse of City personnel and resources?
  • Four appellate judges tossing out Martin's $1.505 million lawsuit against the taxpayers, opining that Martin was arrested in late 2007 for devious activities that "FIT THE VERY DEFINITION OF FORGERY"?
  • Squandering more than $500,000 on lawyers and legal fees?
  • Martin breaking his 2010 "solemn promise" to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX?
  • The diminutive dictator's hiring of his personal attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kerns) to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED City Attorney?
  • The mismanaging mayor increasing every resident's SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX BY FIFTY PERCENT?
  • Martin LYING to Villa Hills residents, falsely telling them that "Chief Goodenough is just taking a few days of" when he and Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kerns) had already told the now-former chief that they were preparing a costly public spectacle designed to unfairly embarrass the long-serving police officer?
No, Martin sure can't tell the truth. Even if he was capable of it.

Speaking of former Police Chief Goodenough, he provided a huge boost to the mayoral campaign of favored Ernie Brown this week. Goodenough spent some time at the local convenient store-sporting an "Ernie Brown for Mayor" tee shirt-meeting and greeting dozens of Villa Hills resident. Most of these residents understand the absolutely unfair and terrible treatment Goodenough  received at the hands of the malevolent Martin and Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kerns).

Mayoral candidate Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour could not be reached for comment regarding questions about her allged interesting "gifts" to certain handymen.

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.

Friday, September 12, 2014

FRIDAY FORUM: Martin's "One-Fingered Salute" To The Villa Hills Police Department

The Martin Chronicles was extremely well represented at last night's 911 remembrance once again billed as "A Salute To America's Heroes" at Crescent Springs Community Park. Even our beloved publisher was there-in disguise, of course.

So, why did we have the event so well-covered? Because everyone on staff was begging for the opportunity to witness first-hand Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's incredible hypocrisy. And, brothers and sisters, Martin didn't let any of us down.

First of all, we all made careful note of the icy reception the miscreant Martin received from those in attendance when the despicable, diminutive dictator was introduced. There was even a noticeable smattering of jeers and catcalls. That bodes well for the chances of a Villa Hills revival on November 4.

Secondly-and most importantly-the mental-case Martin inadvertently bared his dark soul to those who were there. For the uninitiated, the malevolent Martin will forever more hold a deep-seated hatred of the Villa Hills Police Department.

Why? Because despite the fact that four respected judges indisputably opined that there was CLEAR PROBABLE CAUSE FOR THE MISDIRECTING MARTIN'S 2007 FORGERY ARREST, Martin will always want to falsely blame the Villa Hills Police Department for catching  him signing his deceased mother's name on his deceased mother's checks, cashing them and pocketing the proceeds. That is precisely why Martin ruined the long careers of the Villa Hills Police Department leadership and chased almost everyone else he inherited on January 1, 2011 away. The rest? They are simply counting down the days until retirement.

Even though Martin has already ruined the careers of so many fine public servants, his hatred will never subside. People clearly noticed this at the 911 event.

How so?:
  • Martin thanked the City of Crescent Springs several times.
  • Martin thanked the event attendees several times.
  • Martin thanked the Crescent Springs Villa Hills Fire Department several times.
  • Martin thanked the event "performers" several times.
  • Martin thanked the Telecommunications Board of Northern Kentucky several times.
  • Martin thanked the event emcee several times.
  • Martin thanked the good weather several times.
But, do you know what? Martin never once thanked the Villa Hills Police Department for their assistance. Not one, solitary, single time. Never. Nada. Zilch. Zero. It was as obvious as Martin's abject hatred and dishonesty. Many people in attendance said they could absolutely feel it.

There are 52 days to go.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Salute To Our American Heroes

The Martin Chronicles wants to make it abundantly clear that we think events remembering the terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001 are a fine thing. This is especially true when we are once again on the brink of having to deal with the same twisted hatred-spawned in medieval times-that led to those terrible 9-11-01 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  

So, our readers must understand that we have no issue with the event being held at Crescent Springs Community Park tonight billed as "A Salute To Our American Heroes". Again, it is a fine thing. In fact, we plan to attend.

But we do have one major concern. That concern would be absolutely any participation by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. That feckless little man should have no involvement in an event designed to honor the valiant efforts and selfless sacrifice of police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians.

It matters not that the malevolent Martin currently serves as the mayor of Villa Hills (at least for the next 110 dreadful days). It matters not that Martin is oddly fond of billing himself as "the president of (the now for all intents and purposes, defunct) Villa Hills Historical Society. Why? Because any involvement by the miscreant Martin would be the absolute height of hypocrisy.

Again, why? Well, just look at the abjectly disgraceful way the tiny tyrant Martin has treated some local American Heroes. Martin's behavior towards these local American Heroes has been shockingly shameful. Many residents are extremely upset about Martin's casual lies about virtually every issue involving the police department.

We'll see tonight.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Still No Sign?

The Martin Chronicles was receiving emails and phone calls all day long about a long-reported issue in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's embattled Villa Hills. Surprisingly, this issue could actually prove to be pivotal as we are now at V(for VOTE)-minus 54 days and counting until the polls open on November 4.

So what is the issue? Many residents of the decidedly middle class section of Villa Hills known as Amsterdam Village are seething about the mismanaging Martin's failure to replace the now-missing sign at the entrance to their part of town.

As many of you probably recall, the original sign was damaged by a drunk driver many, many, many, many, many months ago. The sign sat in embarrassing disrepair for several months after the accident. Finally, Martin and his Administration Committee announced that they had received somewhere in the neighborhood of $15,000 dollars in an insurance settlement.

You most likely remember what happened next. The damaged sign was removed. And then, well, uh, err, absolutely nothing. The now-piled up lights that had been installed to illuminate the sign that served as the gateway to Amsterdam Village for well over thirty years have been all that remains on the site for the past few months.

Amsterdam Village residents are understandably upset. Many tell us they can't believe what they describe as a ridiculous delay. As they say, if Martin got his hands on an insurance check, what has he done with the money? Many suspect he has squandered it on more lawyers and legal actions or maybe used the money for the improvements that were done on the little-used park that happens to abut the backyards of City Council cronies Mary Koenig, Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour and Brian Wischer.

We have a different theory. You see, the miscreant Martin's voting base resided in Amsterdam Village in 2010. Amsterdam Village voters made the difference in Martin's 2010, razor-thin victory. So, we suspect Martin is preparing to assume the roll of "Pander Bear" with them in the hope that they will repeat their 2010 mistake in 2014.

How might that work? We will tell you. Flash forward to a sunny Saturday afternoon in mid-to-late October. Imagine a chest-beating Martin strutting around like a latter-day Benito Mussolini. The pint-sized potentate pulls back a sheet covering a brand-new sign at the entrance to Amsterdam Village while proudly (and phonily) proclaiming his deep love for the residents of Villa Hills.

Keep imaging-that is if you have the stomach for it. You may have Martin sycophants Dale and ($47.50 per taxpayer-funded hour bucket-headed bookkeeper) Cordelia Schaber, Tony Funklin and other civic club ass clown cronies serving up hot apple cider for the crowd. Hell, you can even imagine Martin's wife Janet parading their poor granddaughter through the crowd as a pathetic political prop.

Yeah, we know. The opinionated haters are going to call us "vile and disgusting" for offering up what they will say is a cynical prediction. But they are nothing more than Martin's useful idiots. Why? The events of the past several years have clearly demonstrated that there is no one more cynical than the miscreant Martin.

It's Martin who uses people like toilet paper and then flushes them away when he's finished with them.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Martin Chronicles' Next Contest.

The Martin Chronicles reporters have been talking to people who are in a position to know. We've been meeting with some well-known civil engineers to make sure we have our terminology correct for our next contest.

First, some background information for you:
  • Despite his false pledge to repeal it, Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin continues to take the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX out of the wallets of every resident-allegedly for street repair and replacement.
  • Despite proclaiming to the media during his 2010 dirbag mayoral campaign that he could find all of the additional money needed for the road repair and replacement budget out of the City's "existing budget", it appears all of the "extra money" the malingering Martin has "found" has been spent on LAWYERS AND LEGAL ACTIONS-instead of, again allegedly, road repair and replacement.
  • Mayor MarTAX has also increased every resident's SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX BY FIFTY PERCENT-again, allegedly for road repair and replacement.
So, here is the contest. Contestants are asked to submit a list of all of the road repair and replacement the mismanaging Martin has gotten done since he took office on January 1, 2011. The contestant with the most complete list gets to join our beloved publisher for an all-expenses paid dinner at his favorite eatery, the Thai-Tanic Restaurant.

Mostly based on what the well-known civil engineers told us, here is what counts:
  • FULL DEPTH REPLACEMENTS: This is where an entire street or a large portion of an entire street is totally torn out. Then proper under-drains are installed to prevent water from doing unseen damage underneath that street. Finally, new concrete is placed over the entire repaired area. (No, the recent work done by the Northern Kentucky Water District does not count.)
  • ASPHALT OVERLAYS: This is where an entire street or a large portion of an entire street is first "milled down". Then asphalt is poured over the entire repaired area. Why? Well, our civil engineers tell us that overlay is done to extend the "life" of a failing street.
Mostly based on what the well-known civil engineers told us, here is what doesn't count:
  • SLAB (OR MUD) JACKING: This is a process where a contractor shoots grout beneath a street to fill voids caused by water that runs beneath that street. All of our civil engineers advised us that this is mostly a fool's errand. Why? Because unless you have solved the running water problem, you have simply re-directed that water to undermine some other area of that street.
  • CRACK SEALING: This is where a contractor pours hot tar in to the cracks of a street to prevent surface water from seeping in to the street. The seeping water will cause additional damage, especially during the "freeze-thaw cycle" of the fall and winter. So why doesn't that work count? Our well-known civil engineers advise us that "even a moron" would make sure that work is done every year. Perhaps these well-known civil engineers have never met Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin?
So, keeping in mind that the mismanaging Martin continues to collect huge sums of money from the taxpayers for a street repair and replacement program, send us your list of the road repair and replacement work Martin has done since taking office on January 1, 2011. The list that most closely demonstrates the truth of the road repair and replacement work Martin has done will be the winner.
You only have 55 days to decide whether or not we've asked you a trick question.

Monday, September 8, 2014

The FIRST Pivotal Moment

The Martin Chronicles entire staff got together for a working luncheon to discuss our coverage of the remaining 56 days of the campaign to start the titanic work of fixing current, malfeasant Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin incompetent and corrupt City Government. It is sure to be full of intrigue and excitement. We are extremely well-prepared to cover every twist and turn in the election campaign because we have highly reliable sources placed absolutely everywhere.

We have to admit that our discussion was temporarily diverted to an analysis of how a town purportedly stocked with seemingly intelligent people could find themselves at the tail end of four years of tumult, uncertainty and deceit. How could it have possibly happened? Why has it taken so long to get an opportunity to fix it?

The group eventually gained consensus on what the FIRST pivotal moment in this ongoing disgrace was. No, it wasn't Martin's 2010 election. The group decided that it's not at all unusual for voters to be inattentive when things are going well. And they were most certainly going very well in 2010. So, why not give the little fella a chance to show what he can do? Martin eked out the narrowest of victories in that apathetic environment. It happens.

But the first two year's of Martin's Reign of Error were almost as dreadful as the second two years. Martin was caught red-handed in acts of misconduct and bold-faced lies time and time again. Despite the despicable myth that has been created since, the previous City Council desperately tried to work with Martin to get the miasmic City Government back on track. It was Martin who steadfastly refused to work with them. Now we know why.

After trying to sort out Martin's incessant lies, the previous City Council finally hired Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro to try to sort out Martin's mess. It is important to note that the previous City Council had an absolute, statutorily-granted right to hire Taliaferro. In fact, they would have been derelict in their sworn duty had they not done so.

Completely because of Martin's mule-headed stonewalling, a removal hearing was finally held in late October, 2012. Martin's long laundry list of incompetence and corruption were laid out in great detail. Taliaferro's case against Martin was air-tight and compelling. It became quite clear that Martin is nothing less than a wanton lawbreaker.

But what happened? You remember, don't you? Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro warned the previous council that if they failed to remove Martin, his "lawlessness would be unleashed" in his closing statement. How prophetic Taliaferro's statement has proven to be.

Even still, Councilmembers Mike Pope and Jim Noll voted against Martin's justified removal. Now we know what a disgrace their "no" votes were. Pope and Noll were both burdened with tons of baggage that prevented them from doing what was right for the residents.

Mike Pope-who was roiling with resentment over his obvious shortcomings-simply ran for the obscurity of the tall grass at the end of 2012. Noll-who had Martin's wife Janet actively involved in his failed 2012 State Senate campaign-went on to be arrested running a police barricade while intoxicated and transporting a "box of marijuana". Noll has also been allegedly identified as a "close confidante" of a current Villa Hills council candidate who has a bushel-basket full of issues of her own ( a complete report is currently being developed on that sordid issue).

The last two years of costly lawsuits and the dismantling of the local police department provide all the evidence required to demonstrate Martin's "unleashed lawlessness". Hell, Martin went on to hire his personal attorney in the removal hearings-Toad V. McMurtry-to serve as the taxpayer funded City Attorney. Martin signed a purchase order that put more than twenty-three thousand taxpayer dollars in his pocket. And those two incredibly corrupt acts are just a sliver of the laundry list of Martin's lawlessness.

Despite what the "vile and disgusting", opinionated haters and-as what Rush Limbaugh would describe as-young skulls full of mush currently post on social networks, Martin should have been removed from office on October 24, 2012. Why? Because he was correctly convicted on 7 of 9 counts of Official Misconduct and Neglect of Duty. It is important to understand that the previous City Council is in no way responsible for all of the crimes Martin committed-and continues to commit.

So, what's the SECOND pivotal moment in Villa Hills? That's easy.

It's November 4, 2014.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

WEEKENDER: Why Martin Really Can't Work WIth Anyone

The Martin Chronicles entire staff knew "the score" long before we launched our pesky little blog way back on October 8, 2011. Why? Because we had done extensive investigation in to the twisted mind of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin in advance. We came to the conclusion that Martin is a deeply twisted paranoiac very early on.

Some of you may be asking what a paranoiac is. So, we will tell you. Psychiatrists would say that a paranoiac has a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions of grandeur ascribing hostile intentions to others, often linked with a sense of mission.

Well, Boy Howdy, doesn't that sound like someone we know all too well:
  • How about a lowbrow unlicensed handyman lawbreaker who was caught red-handed FORGING his deceased mother's name on his deceased mother's checks, cashing them and pocketing the proceeds ascribing his misfortune for his judicially-verified crime of FORGERY to "dark forces who were out to get him?"
  • How about a pissant potentate who routinely ends any serious discussion about the wisdom of his incredulous intentions by saying, "I'm the CEO. It's my decision. You need to deal with it. We're moving on?" 
  • How about a lunatic who is CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY who assigns all of the blame for his his crimes to a City Council who "won't work with him"?
  • How about a deceitful dictator who has now proven he really can't work with anyone. After promising to work with everyone on council during his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign, he immediately went to war with that council in January 2011. Then he flim-flammed the voters in 2012. claiming that all he needed was "a new council" and he could really show what he is capable of. He received six new councilmembers, but has never really tried to work with them. In a telling way, that clearly did show what Martin is capable of. It has been so very bad that the three best members of his once-"golden moment" council decided to simply walk away at the end of this year.
Like most sociopaths, the maniacal Martin is a tremendous con man. He seems able to convince people that he only cares about them. This while he spends their money at an alarming rate on lawyers and lawsuits and issues twenty-thousand dollar taxpayer-funded checks to himself.
  • To those who despised the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX, he soothingly vowed to repeal it. Not only is the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX still being collected, Martin also raised the SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX BY FIFTY PER CENT.
  • To those concerned about crime, Martin cunningly claimed that safety was his first priority. The diminutive deceiver then began to dismantle the local police department immediately after his election.
  • To those who worried about their neighbor's cats, tall grass, high bushes, yada, yada yada, Martin cleverly pledged to put those issues at the top of his list. Instead, he focused his time spending taxpayer money to hire all of his friends and cronies.

Don't worry. Martin will have a lie to tell for everything. He'll vow that his next few years will be better. He'll keep his fingers double-crossed, assuming you will fall for it once again.

Why so serious?

Friday, September 5, 2014

The World Martin Has Created

The Martin Chronicles has been receiving calls and emails for some time now from several sources telling us that we should investigate the allegedly close connection between a current, "holier-than-thou" Villa Hills City Council candidate-who serves on malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Safety and Finance Committees and a former Villa Hills councilperson-who was also a failed State Senate candidate in 2012 and was later arrested for running a police barricade while transporting marijuana. We aren't providing much additional detail at this point because the rumors about this alleged close connection are-to say the least-salacious.

We have to admit that there has been a great deal of thoughtful discussion in the offices of The Martin Chronicles about whether or not to pursue the persistent rumors of this allegedly sordid connection. Most of our reluctance to do so stems from the fact that we would prefer the quickly coming election to be about the many issues facing the troubled town of Villa Hills.

But, we have come to the conclusion that we are going to-at least sometimes-operate in the wicked world that the miscreant Martin himself has created. Martin is the one who grabbed power by telling lie after lie after lie after lie after lie. Martin and his cronies have tried to deflect attention away from their own incompetence and corruption by falsely destroying the reputations of other fine people who certainly deserve far better. So, here we are.

Martin and his dirtbag cronies have spent huge sums of taxpayer money falsely portraying anyone who dares oppose them as people off ill-will and bad behavior. This distasteful taxpayer-funded tactic has been an absolute disgrace. But-so far any way-it has also been effective. Buttressed by idiots who have taken to podiums to proclaim that "this mayor (Martin) does great things for people", Martin and his dirtbag cronies have stepped up their campaign of defamation and deceit.

If someone is going to falsely portray themselves as some kind of courageous, concerned citizen who supposedly worries about the safety of residents simply because a local police officer actually wants to eat a meal at a restaurant, we have to see what really motivates the actions of that "concerned citizen". So we will.

It was the business genius H. Ross Perot who once famously said, "If someone's spouse can't trust them, how can I?" Furthermore, how can the taxpayers trust that person to be a true guardian of their interests?

To that end, we are sending our best investigative reporters to the Kenton County Courthouse later today. They will be armed with case numbers and Open Records Request forms. These reporters will be ready to bring back any information.

And we will report it all to you.