Friday, July 11, 2014

WEEKENDER: We Don't Give A Damn What They Think

The Martin Chronicles can tell by the vitriol being posted on Facebook today that this coming election is going to be a nasty slugfest. The good news? At least some of the venom will be directed at us. So, these nasty nitwits won't be able to spew all of their hatred at candidates opposing their beloved hero, Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin.

The Martin goons are rolling out their usual "Mary Koenig" pap:
  • "Good old boys"
  • "Cyber bullies"
  • "Poor Eddie and Donna"

One hateful hag even started celebrating the departure of one City employee she didn't like. She wrote that this former City employee shouldn't have been earning more than the Chief of Police, you know, Dan Goodenough. Yet another good guy that Martin screwed.

Of course this nasty nag either misses or intentionally avoids the truth that the departed City employee's pay was higher than Goodenough's because of a contract that Martin entered in to with that departed employee.

These morons would like to continue to suck their thumbs and convince themselves that The Martin Chronicles is written by "angry former elected officials" or maybe alien beings recovered at Roswell. Keep guessing, Sheila. Because you haven't got a clue. Who knows? We may be some of your former neighbors of whom you didn't approve.

We also like being called "evil" by evil, mean-spirited people. Its a badge of honor. And it also proves that reporting the truth about Martin's rampant corruption and mismanagement is effective.

We aren't going anywhere Sheila.