Monday, July 14, 2014

Sensible Questions

The Martin Chronicles has secured a copy of seven multi-part questions the Sensible Citizens group will respectfully submit to every Villa Hills mayoral and council candidate this fall. These questions cover topics including public safety, street repair, budgeting and ethics.

It is certainly reasonable to expect anyone seeking office in Villa Hills to have well-developed views on these topics. Current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has been a dismal failure in every one of these arenas, especially when it comes to ethics.

We expect the Martin sycophants will soon jump on to the social networks in an attempt to marginalize the Sensible Citizens. They'll falsely claim its all driven by people who lost elections. While that hateful claim is utter nonsense, it also betrays a dangerous viewpoint. You see, people who lose elections in The United States are not forced to surrender their First Amendment freedoms. This despite what Sheila, Wanda and other facile fascists continually write.

Three Villa Hills wags predicted how the mallet-headed Martin will handle the questions:
  • "He won't answer them and claim he never received them because everyone is out to get him."
  • "No surprises here. He'll tell a bunch of lies just like he did in 2010."
  • "He'll pay his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry to answer them. That should only cost the taxpayers two or three thousand dollars. Such a deal!"

Only 111 days to go.