Sunday, July 20, 2014

SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT: "Fixing" The Lack Of Trust

The Martin Chronicles wonders if you realize that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has been the self-proclaimed "CEO" now for 1,298 dreadful days. That is 8,986 days in dog years. Even at that, the diminutive dictator has told enough lies to last 100 years. Even if you want to measure them in the legendary dog years.

But, the sands of the hour glass are quickly running down. It's now barely more than 100 (human) days until the misdirecting Martin has to face the voters again. Now the addled administrator has a ruinous record for voters to evaluate. Sure, he'll do everything he can to distract people away from the reality of his failed administration by slinging mud in every direction. But his ruinous records is there.

A new mayor will have major problems to face if the mallet-headed Martin is defeated in November. A new mayor will have to work extremely hard to restore trust in Villa Hills City Government. It will be a Herculean task.

Why? Because Martin has refined the fine art of deception. Just look at his track record. 
  • Martin promised voters he would repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX during his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign. At last check, residents continue to pay that tax.
  • Martin promised voters in 2010 that he had no plan to disband the local police department to outsource coverage to another entity. His long-standing plan to do exactly that was inadvertently revealed two years later.
  • Martin promised voters in 2010 that he would encourage a good working relationship with the local police department despite the fact that he was suing its leadership-and the residents-for $1.505 MILLION. So what has happened? Martin used his wife Janet and his sister Cindy to file open records requests to dig dirt on police department leadership-and a minor boy. Martin constantly encouraged local police officers to produce evidence of wrongdoing by the department's leadership. The addled administrator's horrible treatment of the local police department has triggered several costly-to-the-taxpayer lawsuits, brought great embarrassment to the City in at least two public spectacles and he has run off all but two of the police officers he inherited.
  • Martin promised the voters in 2010 that he would "restore truth and integrity to the mayor's office". We're pretty sure truth and integrity were already in the mayor's office. But that matter is for another post. In any event, Martin's official behavior has been so egregious that he received a confidential reprimand from the Villa Hills Ethics Board, a dressing down by a judge from her bench and CONVICTIONS ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY.
  • Martin persistently prattles on that he is some kind of "budget hawk" despite the fact that he has wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on unnecessary employee overtime, begged for a budget amendment to cover his wasteful spending every budget year, pays $47.50 per taxpayer-funded hour to a personal friend to tangle up the City financial records, approved the spending of thousands of taxpayer dollars for playground equipment in a park nobody uses and led the waste of nearly $500,000 for lawyers and legal actions, including the efforts of his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kearns).
  • Martin assured the previous City Council that he adequately represented the City's concerns about a new residential development when he spoke with NKAPC "President Paul DePaul". There is a problem with Martin's "promise". "President Paul DePaul" doesn't exist.
  • Martin handed the previous City Council a document that he claimed reflected all of the documents he had illegally burned in January,2012. It was soon after proven beyond any doubt that Martin destroyed many more records most likely to cover his backside in some of the lawsuits he has triggered.
  • Martin promised the voters that all he needed was a new City Council in 2012 to restore what his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kearns) described as "normalcy and lawfulness". People who have been paying attention have seen what has happened since an entirely new, supplicant council was sworn in for 2013.
  • Martin was seemingly "blessed" by the gods of the crazy, hillbilly lunatic Branch Norwoodians when inattentive voters surrounded the miniature mullah with the likes of vile, ancient crocodile Mary Koenig, the addle-minded Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour and the chemically-driven Brian R. Wischer in November, 2012. But the turmoil continues.
  • Martin assured the TV cameras that now-screwed, former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was "just taking a few days off" a few months ago. That lie was told after Martin and his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kerns) had delivered an deadly ultimatum to Goodenough. Is this what that nitwit meant when she proclaimed that "this mayor does great things for people"? We guess it must be.
  • Martin recently brazenly tried to grab complete, unchecked control over $3 MILLION OF TAXPAYER MONEY by telling reporters that "48 of the 52 City budgets have been 'bottom line' budgets" Despite Martin's whopper, his normally supplicant City Council unanimously refused to play along
This is just a small sampling of Martin's endless lies. We believe this is why a chunk of Villa Hills residents have decided to just forget about it. They are trying to pay their bills, raise their children, cut their grass, enjoy an occasional mini-vacation and hope that everything somehow works out.

But there's only one way everything will work out. There has to be a massive effort to wake November 4 voters out of their state of denial. Martin has to be sent to the dustbin of history or the City will simply have to muddle through more of the mayhem, mendacity and madness. Yes, Martin must be sent away.

Then the real work can begin.