Monday, July 28, 2014

Does He REALLY Believe It Himself?

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher hosted a "working" luncheon for our entire staff on Saturday. Even our third shift staff and reporters came to the gathering. And why not? Who passes up the chance for prime rib, sirloin steak, rib-eye, T-bone, filet mignon, crab, shrimp, scallops, clams, lobster and an open bar just to sleep?

The "working" part of the grand buffet? To discuss whether or not Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin REALLY believes all of the lies he has told over the past almost-four dreadful years.

Here is how our beloved publisher ran the "working" lunch. Armed with a stack of 4x5 flash cards, our beloved publisher read one Martin lie at a time and then opened the floor for discussion.

Here is just a small sampling of the topics discussed over the seven-plus hours of surf & turf feast:
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that all those people he promised in 2010 he would repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX would forget that broken promise when they went to the polls in 2014?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that he didn't commit FORGERY when four respected appellate judges with decades of legal experience clearly opined that what Martin was doing for many years "fit the very definition of FORGERY?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY-happily-believe that he wasn't suing the taxpayers of Villa Hills for the hefty sum of $1.505 MILLION when no less a distinguished judicial body than the US Supreme Court opined that Martin was doing exactly that?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that it is was acceptable to hire an unqualified, incompetent crony to oversee the City's finances, preventing City Council from performing their mandated duty of fiscal oversight?
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that it was okay to use taxpayer money to hire multiple computer companies to hack in to the police department computers looking for some phony way to prove that department leadership really was trying to frame him for FORGERY?"
  • Does Martin REALLY believe that it was okay to misuse taxpayer-funded City personnel and resources for POLITICAL PURPOSES, despite the fact that he received a reprimand from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for doing so?"
  • Does Martin REALLY believe it was acceptable to sit idly by when a female employee was being harassed by a former City Councilman-despite the risk it created for the City's taxpayers-and say nothing when his own wife gleefully participated in the harassers failed State Senate campaign?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that the non-existent NKAPC President Paul de Paul really exists?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that it was somebody else's fault when hundreds of City documents pertaining to a serious, ongoing lawsuit were ILLEGALLY BURNED when he ordered the Public Works Director to burn those very documents-and ordered the Public Works Director to say nothing about the ILLEGAL BURNING?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that it doesn't matter that he was CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY by a duly-enacted, legal, governing body?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that all he needed was a "new City Council" to trample over in 2013 and beyond when what has happened after a majority of voters bought in to his FALSE PREMISE in the 2012 election has proven to be a cruel hoax?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that it passes conflict-of-interest muster to hire his own personal attorney to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ATTORNEY?"
  • Does Martin REALLY believe that it is perfectly fine to sign a City purchase order that put more than TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS IN TO HIS OWN POCKET?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that it way okay to publicly trash the former-Assistant Police Chief for justifiably earning money resulting from a LEGAL CONTRACT Martin himself spent TAXPAYER MONEY to draft and then signed himself was correct?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that no one would remember that he LIED when he told television cameras that former Villa Hills Police Chief Dan Goodenough was "taking a few days off" when the reality was that Martin himself was hatching a pernicious plot to publicly embarrass the former Chief in to an unfair and premature retirement?"
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that anyone believed his bull$#!+ that 48 of 52 City budgets were nothing more that "bottom line" budgets", despite the fact that none of the previous Villa Hills City budgets were "bottom line" budgets that enabled a mayor to spend TAXPAYER MONEY any way he saw fit.
  • Does Martin REALLY believe that its no big deal that his City Administrator/City Clerk Craigory T. Bohman is interviewing with both Ludlow and Ft. Mitchell for another job?
  • "Does Martin REALLY believe that The Dark Knight known as The Martin Chronicles would ever go away as long as that little liar sits in the mayor's office?"
The general belief that was that Martin didn't care one way or the other whether the bull$#!+ he was spouting at the time was true. All the little fella from Norwood cared about was surviving that moment.

98 more days of "moments" until election day.