Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Paranoia: It Will Destroy Ya

The Martin Chronicles has been doing extensive research and interviewing to try to determine if the reports about the oddly suspicious minds of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and his merry band of paranoiacs are accurate. Based on what we have uncovered so far, the reports are quite accurate.

First up, Martin and others have told a tale that "dark forces" conspired against Shorty. How so? These "dark forces" trumped up forgery charges against Martin to derail his "good government" crusade. Many taxpayers believed this fable despite the fact that Martin was suing them for $1.505 MILLION. Four judges reviewed Martin's claims. Their conclusion? They tossed out Martin's lawsuit and stated that his actions represented the text book definition of forgery. Despite all of this, many Martin followers still believe The Little Fella's fabrication. Paranioa? Oh, yeah.

Next, sources tell us that Martin told a local reporter he would not talk with them because that reporter used to work with one of his "enemies". So Martin thinks a professional journalist's reporting was being swayed by an "enemy" who worked with the journalist many years before? Martin believes this journalist would risk their reputation and integrity to "get" Shorty? Paranoia? Oh, yeah.

Several sources tell us that Martin was furious at WCPO-TV for reporting that he intended to lay-off half the City employees as a result of his gross mismanagement of the City budget. Does Martin think that the media is out to "get" him simply because they are reporting exactly what he said at a council meeting? Paranoia? Oh, yeah.  

We have also learned that Martin's paranoiacs have been peddling a theory that a recent council meeting was not broadcast LIVE on the local government channel in an attempt to aid more of Martin's "enemies". Evidently there are Martinites who believe that the employees of this local government channel would risk their careers in order to "get" The Little CEO. Paranoia? Oh, yeah.

The most recent example? The head of the Villa Hills' chapter of the Skinheads-a devoted Martinite-offered his conspiracy theory to the world of social networking with the baseless claim that even the Voice of Villa Hills website is biased against Martin. Paranoia? Oh, yeah.

The Martin Chronicles isn't surprised. In fact, we have several more examples to share with you in the days ahead. You see, megalomaniacs like Martin refuse to believe that anything they do could ever be wrong.

In Martin's and his followers' twisted minds, the problem isn't his illegal business practices, official misconduct and neglect of duty that are the issue. In their very odd view, the problem is with the people who dare to bring Martin's malfeasance and misfeasance to the light of day.

Martin and the smug simpletons that surround him go so far as to suggest that asking Martin to obey the law is akin to "tearing the City apart".

It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.