Wednesday, July 18, 2012

There He Goes (YET) Again

The Martin Chronicles has confirmed through multiple sources that Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin is being challenged on some vapid assertions he made in his now-infamous Unahandyman Manifesto that he and his obese hillbilly lynchmob distributed back in April. He should certainly be challenged. Not surprisingly, solid evidence has been obtained that Martin was far less than truthful in several of his wild claims.

The evidence was compiled by a resident who was deeply concerned by Martin's serious-and we now know, false-claims. Rather than take Martin's-or anyone else's-word for it, this resident decided to examine the claims on their own. The review was done through the Open Record's process.

Martin told you there were endless months of unpaid electric bills for the Police Department offices. We believe he wrote that to make the untrue point that he was so busy cleaning up a fictitious mess left for him that he just hasn't had time to obey the law. The truth? Duke Energy never billed for electric service at the Police Department. While Martin or more likely Councilman Pope will say that Martin's statement is technically correct, it is Martin's DEFAMATORY intent that makes it a lie.

Martin's biggest and most LIBELOUS Unahandyman Manifesto lie? It looks like there is no forensics computer report that says any files were erased off of the computer in the mayor's office. How do we know that? Again, several unsuccessful attempts have been made to obtain what certainly now appears to be the nonexistent report through the Open Records process.

One report, dated several weeks after Martin distributed his LIBELOUS literature simply says that new software was uploaded. Sources also tell us that the (multiple) computer companies Martin has squandered tax dollars on will not risk their own integrity by confirming Martin's false claim. Can you say "new lawsuit"?

We can already tell you what will happen if Martin is confronted about his lies at this Wednesday's council meeting. Simple. Martin will sit quietly with that standard dumbfounded look on his face. Why not? As dull as he is, even Martin knows that he is getting away with all of his lies and misconduct.

It may not go without discussion however. We fully expect wacky Councilman Mike Pope to launch into a pointless, eristic argument about how Martin was actually telling the truth-at least in some world of  "alternative reality". Pope will know better. But he always enjoys a good race down some meaningless squirrel path looking for more meaningless nuts to collect.

If, on Wednesday evening, Martin says he can't discuss the lies he has been caught in because of litigation, that will be premature. Our sources tell us that the next LIBEL and DEFAMATION lawsuit that is going to be filed against Martin is still a few weeks away.

Something (and some sources) also tell us that this potential litigant won't tell lies saying he is happy to report that he is not also suing the taxpayers. It was after all Mayor Martin who made the LIBELOUS and DEFAMATORY claims against a private citizen. People do indeed get the government they deserve. If some choose to support the constant lying and total lack of business and public service integrity-so be it.

[PUBLISHER'S NOTE: A special "THANK YOU" to the reader who pointed out the misspelling in the headline of our Monday post. We have corrected it. Be not afraid. There is no truth to the rumor that we have a headline writer previously employed by The Kentucky Enquirer on The Martin Chronicles staff!]