Wednesday, June 27, 2012


The Martin Chronicles is enjoying all of the irate Facebook posts. We think it is worth noting that only first names were mentioned in our little riff about the Civic Club yesterday. We think it is the height of hubris for anyone to automatically assume that they were mentioned. Unless of course you are Slip, Whitey or Sach.

Additionally, we strongly encourage all Facebook posters to proofread your entries before posting them. Nothing makes you look more like a Martin operative than dreadful spelling and grammar.

And now that the issue of anonymity has been raised, have any of the numerous people who have been stealing the "Mayor Martin Please Resign Now" signs come forward to take credit? With, of course, the notable exception of those who were caught.

The Martin Chronicles is going to continue to tell the truth. And we will do so in anonymity for now. Why? Because we know what Martin and his cronies are capable of.

We are also working to confirm multiple reports that a 5' x 8' sign simply saying MARTIN LAWBREAKER! has been erected somewhere in Villa Hills. We will follow-up with a full report when we locate the sign.

Finally, we picked up a report on our police scanner earlier today that someone was actually trying to steal the "Mayor Martin Please Resign Now" banner at the corner of Buttermilk and Western Reserve. We are trying to track down the name of the licensed professional or the practice they work for. We will keep you posted.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We are also still unable to confirm the date when madcap Councilman Mike Pope's resignation took effect.]