Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Web Of Deceit

The Martin Chronicles has been busily working its vast network of sources to uncover what appears to be the latest in a long line of deceits put forth by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. This one has to do with Martin's ham-handed attempt to terminate Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman and all of the subsequent foul-ups, bleeps and blunders we have reported so far.

First, a quick re-cap. After lying about his intentions for more than two years, Martin revealed his radical plan to disband the Villa Hills Police Department and "outsource" coverage to some other agency. Facing intense public resistance, Martin and his allies on the new city council began to float the idea of "outsourcing the management of the police department (read: terminate the two men Martin blames most for his 2007 forgery arrest, Schutzman and Police Chief Dan Goodenough).

Perhaps not coincidentally, Martin uses hearsay and other flimsy evidence to suspend Schutzman with the intention of terminating him just days after the announcement of the "management outsourcing" plan. After initially requesting a hearing by the City's Civil Service Board, Martin tries to withdraw his charges against Schutzman. Then all of the many attorneys involved agree to hold the charges in abeyance. Part of the agreement involves Schutzman's reinstatement to duty.

As you also know, Martin then filed a lawsuit attempting to wrest the authority to decide the Schutzman matter away from the Civil Service Board. Many assert that Martin would prefer presenting his hearsay and flimsy evidence to a far more compliant city council. Yes, the cost to the taxpayers for all of Martin's legal wrangling is astronomical and still skyrocketing.

So where are we now? Sources maintain that Martin has falsely told the city council that Schutzman has been reinstated and is currently on medical leave for an injury he suffered prior to being suspended. The problem with Martin's fabrication? Schutzman has received no notice from either the mendacious Martin or City Attorney Toad V. McMurtry that the suspension has been lifted or inquiring if the Assistant Chief could return, working what is commonly referred to as "light duty". Additionally, we have found no documentation that Schutzman is on medical leave.

We have also confirmed that Schutzman's attorney has made several unsuccessful attempts to reach City Attorney Toad V. McMurtry to resolve the situation. For some reason, McMurtry has chosen not to respond to the phone and email inquiries from Schutzman's attorney. All the while, the legal bills continue to explode.

Our publisher just returned from brunch with a renowned Northern Kentucky attorney. This well-known attorney believes Martin and his legal brain trust are "way off base" with their lawsuit attempting to take away the Civil Service Board's right to decide the fate of Assistant Chief Schutzman.

The attorney believes that Martin is simply stalling because he knows his case against Schutzman is an embarrassing bag of horse manure. "His so-called evidence against Schutzman is a huge joke. Ridiculous hearsay and compromised witnesses who are on Martin's taxpayer-funded payroll. Just consider this. The new City Clerk charges Schutzman with intimidation and selective enforcement. One question. How many times was Craig Bohman ever pulled over by Schutzman?"