Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Breaking News: Gaining Some Perspective

The Martin Chronicles has to admit it. Our beloved publisher is a genius. The break he gave us away from Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin gave the entire staff the boost it needed to head down the 482 days remaining until the diminutive dictator once again faces the electorate. The results are proving to be nothing less than spectacular.

Want an example? Our crack research staff has uncovered some shocking background that explains why one of Villa Hills' new council members demonstrates a strong dislike for law enforcement.

No, we aren't gonna make it too easy for you. You will have to do some of the work. Go to Google. Type in "Brian R. Wischer". Then scroll until you get to and click on it. We think what you'll find will provide you a great deal of perspective.

Look, everyone makes mistakes. We have a perky summer intern who often comes to our 3am staff meetings more than a little "nonplussed" at times. Heck, even our beloved publisher had some interesting times while serving our country during the war (Civil War? WWII? Viet Nam? Grenada?, who the hell knows?)

But no one on our staff is joining Martin in his radical effort to destroy the Villa Hills Police Department.